Chapter Seven

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I woke up that morning and woke up Gavroche. I walked into Enjolras' room and saw he was still asleep. He is so handsome, and I can't help but kind of like him.  He was laying on his stomach and he had no shirt covering his bare back. His arms and back were so muscular which caused a grin to creep on my face. I can't help it, I'm a girl. 

"Enjolras. Wake up." I whispered. He didn't wake up. "Enjolras." I said a bit louder. "Wake up!" His eyes fluttered open revealing his deap blue-gray eyes. 

"Ugh. What time is it?" He said shoving his face back in his pillow. 

"8:30" I answered. "Would you like to go to breakfast with Gavroche and I?" 

"I'd rather just eat here and work on my summer studies. Plus I have work this afternoon."

"Exactly, it's summer and you should have fun. We have a week before school starts and I still haven't done my summer read. You can miss one day to hang out with me..." He glanced at me. "And Gavroche." I finished. He sat on the side of the bed and rubbed his eyes. 

"I would really rather not. I will see you and everyone else tonight at the cafe. For now, let me work on the important things." He told me. 

"No! I owe you, and this is just the start of me repaying you. You can do your studies as soon as we get back here." I was forcing him into something he didn't want to do, but I just wanted to spend time with him. 

"Alright. Let me put on a shirt, then we will go." 

I smiled and thought, "Oh, no need for a shirt." Then walked out of the room so he could get ready.

Gavroche walked up to me and said, "Are you and Enjolras a thing?"

"A thing?"

"Yes, are you dating?"

I kept smiling at the thought of that. "No, we are not." I answered. 

"But you want to, I can tell. I watched you walk out of his room with that smile on your face. I saw how you looked at him last night and at the cafe. You like him. Does he like you?"

"Pfft. No! I do not like him, and he does not like me." 

"Whatever you say... because he looked at you like he liked you. He looked pretty jealous of the boys when they were talking to you at the cafe. If I had to guess, I think Enjolras has finally found himself a girl! Honestly, I would have you pick Courfeyrac, but Enjolras is a fine choice too." 

It does seem like Enjolras admires me. If he does like me, then I can tell him I have the same feelings towards him. And I can tell Gavroche I actually do have feelings towards Enjolras. "Do you really think he has feelings for me?" I asked.

"Of course I think so! Why wouldn't he? With the looks you two exchanged, I don't doubt you and him will be a couple soon." Gavroche answered. 

"Then I must tell you, I do like him."

Gavroche gave me a michievous grin when I said this. "I knew it!  And you need to tell him." 

"I can't yet. I need to make sure he feels the same way." 

"Figure out fast! Many girls go after him, and school is starting soon so they will be able to easier." 

"I will." I said as soon as Enjolras walked out of the bathroom. He had fixed his hair all poofy and nicely brushed back. His hair was perfect, and I couldn't get over it. Gavroche looked at him, then me and walked out the door. I shrugged my sholders at Enjolras and we followed. Hopfully I would be finding out soon how Enjolras feels. I looked down at his hand, wishing he would grab mine. He looked over at me and we smiled at one another. He put his arm around my sholder and laughed, "I can't believe you pressured me into this." Then we got in the car and drove to get breakfast. 

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