"Please don't say things like that about Kelley," I said, obviously getting annoyed.

"Why? She's a whore! She never treated you good and you know she didn't. She was in it for the sex I can guarantee it. Once she was bored of your dick she moved on to a bigger and better one."

"I know you're right, but can you not talk about her like that, please?" I asked, taking my eyes off the road to look into Lilys.

"I guess, I'm sorry," she sighed.

"Ya know...speaking of sex, we haven't had it in a while," I changed the subject.

Lily sat there for 30 seconds before telling me to turn on to a back road and then just keep driving. She then unzipped my shorts and wrapped her lips around my dick.

Road head...nice.

*Kelley POV**

(1 year later)

"Jack I can't believe Brooklyn is already 7 months old!" I said as I was playing with her in our living room.

"I know it's crazy," he said, coming over to sit by me. One hand had a cup of coffee and the other one he placed on my thigh.

We had our baby girl and named her Brooklyn Kay North Gilinsky. Jack and I have been super happy together, but he still hasn't proposed.

"Do you have to go into work today?" I asked.

"Nah, I'm taking the summer off. I don't go back until September. I want to spend every moment I can with my family," Jack smiled and kissed me.

Jack is CEO of some international business, dealing with trade or something. I don't have a job, just being a mother.

"Hey, how about we bring Brooklyn over to your moms house tonight, and we can have some alone time," Jack whispered in my ear, sending goosebumps down my entire body.

"Sounds like a good idea," I said, purposely placing my hand on Jack's inner thigh to tease him.

"Shit, you're killing me Kelley," Jack said, placing his hand on top of mine to try and control it. He moved it closer to his package and then I removed my hand and got up to put Brooklyn down for a nap.

I laughed at the expression on Jacks face and then went into the kitchen to make myself some food.

Jack came up behind me and placed his hands on my lower stomach and started kissing down my neck, but then stopped a few seconds later.

"Payback," he whispered and then grabbed my butt and walked away.

Man I love that guy.

**Hayes POV**

I proposed to Lily yesterday and I couldn't be happier. She was the love of my life. I always thought everything would end with Kelley and I, but now I'm hoping Lily is with me until the end.

It sucks to see someone you love be in love with someone else, but when you find someone who satisfies you, you kind of just forget. I'll never forget what Kelley and I went through, but I can for sure move on and learn from my mistakes. She's happy with Jack and I'm happy with Lily, and that's that. Not every story has a happy ending. Ours is just a little different.

Lily and I were currently in Australia for a vacation and we were having a great time. Yesterday we spent the day in the outback and got to see wild kangaroos. It was fun seeing her fascinate over them.

It was now evening and we were just chilling in our condo.

"Hayes, can I ask you something?" Lily asked, facing towards me.

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