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"Hey, I'm Niall, this is Ferard, and the one who made googly eyes at you is named Alec." The one on the right said. Lisa replied slowly with her hand on her throat, "Hi, I'm Lisa, this is Miranda, and that's Brooklyn. It's nice to meet you." She smiled once she finished. "If you don't mind me asking why do you talk so slow and hold your neck while speaking?" Lisa read Ferard lips carefully and frowned she looked at Brooklyn and her eyes teared as she turned to Brooklyn. Brooklyn held her close and glared evilly at the boy on the left. She frustratedly signed  ' Your so stupid! You don't just ask that you idiot! She is sensitive to this type of thing, we all are!' The boy in the middle, Alec, stared at her and repeated what she said in words. Shocked Brooklyn gasped ' I...you weren't supposed to understand...' He signed back saying it was fine. Miranda felt the lockers till she found where Lisa was. Miranda tried to calm Lisa down, and eventually, she accomplished just that. " I'm sorry! I didn't mean to be rude." Ferard said in a rushed sentence. Miranda slightly smiled before she spoke, "It's okay it's just...well...we're um... kind of disabled I guess... yeah you could call it that. I'm blind, Lisa is deaf, and lastly, Brooklyn is mute." the 3 guys looked from one girl to the next, with sad looks on their faces. " I'm so sorry," said Alec after he ran up and hugged them all tightly. " I'll make sure you guys have fun but are always protected," said Alec as he squeezed them.  Shocked at first, then comforted they thanked him.

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