Finally out of that hell of a town. 1

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Ashton's p.o.v
*one week later*

"Now Ashton I'm still quite confused on how you got this house"? JaJa asks pulling her hair into a bun. I hug her from behind and smile. I look out the window and see the shore line on the Australian beach. We have a back yard and just beyond the fence is the beach. It's the perfect house for my perfect girl.

"It was my parents old beach house and ever since my dad...left, my mom has been wanting to get rid of it so she gave it to me cheap". I say twirling a piece of her hair around my finger. I used to not be able to even touch JaJa in public but now I can have her in my arms.

"It's a bit of a fixer upper but with my amazing sense of style this place will be a beauty in no time". She says look around the old place. She is right though, it could use some TLC. The walls are a sad shade of white and the wooden floors are covered in sand. The upstairs walls are a horrible shade of green in our one bed room. And in the bathroom needs some serious clean up. But it'll be okay.

"I can't believe we get to have a life together". I say. She turns around and pecks my lips with a kiss.

"I know". She says. "It felt like it was never going to happen".

"You get to graduate with your special little online thing you found, I get to still be a music teacher like nothing could go wrong". I say.

"Don't say nothing could go wrong because when people say that in books somethings always goes wrong". She says looking serious.

"Well this isn't a book Hun". I say she bites her lip but then shrugs. I look outside the other window as she starts to make us lunch and see a light purple house. That's strange I've never seen a purple house before.

"We have neighbors". I say. She looks out the window too.

"In a purple house"? She asks.

"Evidently so"? I say. "Should we go introduce ourselves"? I don't really want to leave but it's polite.

"But I wanna watch Once upon a time". JaJa groans.

"Tomorrow then"? I ask. She smiles and nods. She finishes our meal and hands me my lovely prepared grilled cheese sandwich.

"I'll get better at cooking I promise". She says taking a bite from her sandwich.

"I love your grilled cheese". I say. "It's like the most grilly grilled cheese there is".

"I love how you like everything I cook". She says with a smile.

"I love how you'd rather watch T.V. Then have social interactions". I say.

"I love your Australian accent". She says quickly as though we are competing. That makes me want to win whatever game we are playing.

"I love how you can make everything fun". I say.

"I love how muscular you are". She says.

"I love your hair"! I say making a piece of her extremely curly hair bounce.

"I love your drumming"! She yells.

"I LOVE YOU"! I yell very loud and kiss her on the lips. We both laugh.

"You win". She says turning on the show we are watching. We both sit back on the couch and I put my arm around her and she sets her head on my chest.

"How do you think Harry and Spencer are? She never called me like she said she was going to". She says looking worried. I think of the stuff that we found out about Harry a little bit ago. That he was indeed a hybrid. I now know that's the reason I sneezed so much whenever he got close.

After School// a hybrid Harry sequelWhere stories live. Discover now