4 ✦ James

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I'm so sorry for such a bloody late update!! January was an extremely hectic month for various reasons, from grieving to studying to outings. However, here is the next chapter :)

Dedicated to the lovely @severusdowney, who has been more than patient awaiting this chapter :)



"Who does she think she is? That
girl has tangled with the wrong
man. No one says 'no' to Gaston!"

- Gaston, upset Belle insulted his marriage proposal

✶Chapter Four: James✶


Third Person

After taking a peaceful two minutes of self loathing and plenty of mental slaps, Severus gathered the last of his willpower and walked in slow, unhurried steps to the dungeons once more. He could already hear her incessant cries, though was she to blame? Lily's human rights of freedom and family had just been stripped of her by the arrogant ex best friend in her life.

Tonight had been too much to deal with, and all Severus wished to do was lay in bed and sleep away his problems, allowing the oblivion to wash away the wounds. Instead, his consciousness activated quite fine and permitted vinegar to soil the wounds, rather than cleanse.

The sound of her sobs shook him, as he approached closer and closer. However, a small tug at the bottom of his robe diverted his attention for a moment.

"Master?" One of Malfoy's house elves said, in a little voice to fit his petite physique.

"What?" Severus snapped in response, clearly showing a descending mood.

"Since the girl is going to be with us for quite some time, I was thinking that you might want to offer her a more comfortable room. Master." Lumière the house elf bowed as an afterthought, wanting to display politeness to his master of the next couple months.

Severus blinked, and the gears went off at a reasonable speed. Of course he wanted her to be comfortable, but he couldn't forcibly put her in a situation that provided prison like a faux home. She hated him anyways, and he was supposed to hate her.

Lumière looked momentarily hopeful, until Severus quirked the end of his mouth and continued walking to the dungeons without another word to him.

"Evans," He said quietly, walking over to her with a small tut of clearing his throat. It was devastating and poked him in the gut quite harshly that Lily was knelt on the ground, hands covering her bawling eyes. Sympathy overwhelmed his being, but he had to keep his facade. Death Eaters don't become Death Eaters out of what... emotion? That's absurd.

Yet he couldn't help but feel his heart pound roughly against his chest, wanting to reach out to her. Three years ago, it would have been severely appropriate to reach out and hold her against his chest, murmuring words of encouragement against her flower scented hair.

"You're... you're so arrogant!" She spat, discretely and between sobs.

Severus rolled his eyes, as it was clear that she did not understand the circumstances. "And you're ignorant."

Nice move, smartass.

"You didn't even let me say goodbye. I'll never see him again!" Everything about her was trembling. From the top of her lip to the heel of her foot, the evidence of hurt shone through. He couldn't stand it, and averted his eyes to the cement floor next to her.

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