Prologue: Six to Sixteen Years Old

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Six Years Old... August 7, Year 1547

          "Adelaide. Understand that I would have to leave soon. Right after I introduce you."

          "Go where?" The little girl was scared, worried. That they wouldn't accept her, worse, that he wouldn't like her.

          The woman with raven black hair and the warm chocolate brown eyes crouched down to face her daughter who was an exact replica of her, showing signs of the same ever growing beauty even at the young age of six, except instead of having brown eyes, she inherited the most striking blue color from her father. "Go back to Scotland. I must defend our country until you come off age and marry the next king. I will visit you, I promise."

            The little girl who's hair was almost sweeping the floors even with her long skinny legs, was trembling with tears in her pretty blue eyes. "You're leaving me?"

          "No dear, it's not like that. You have to stay here for your own safety. They will protect you because you are their future queen, and also because Prince William Francis adores you." She hugged the little girl tight, reassuring her that she wasn't leaving her forever. At least not intentionally if she was to die in the English hands.

Even at a young age, Adelaide knew what this adoration from the Prince of France was only because of an alliance, but of course she didn't call it that. She knew a lot for a young girl. But she couldn't help wonder, if she will have the same relationship as her parents who seemed to love each other with no bounds. "Do you—" she sighed diligently, "Do you think he will like me?"

Her mother frowned. Taking hold of her shoulders she made her stand straighter and lifted her chin higher. "Of course he will, what's not there to like?"

"No, I there a chance I can have the same thing as you and Da had?

"I hope you do. But it won't come easy. Nowadays, nothing ever is. You'll face hardships. But I know you'll be prepared." She smiled down at Adelaide and stood up. Grabbed her daughters soft, seemingly fragile hands and walked towards the throne room.
          "Queen Adelaide of Scotland. Your arrival with safety gives me great pleasure. I hope you will soon see the French Court as your home, please welcome." The Queen of France, Catherine, Adelaide's soon to be mother in law. She was quite warm with her welcome and so were the other noble men and women.

          Well, wondered Adelaide, This doesn't seem so bad after all.

          Then she remembered of the Prince. Where was he now? As if on cue, a guard announced his arrival and Queen Catherine immediately went to his side to guide him towards Adelaide in the center of the room for everyone to see. Witness the first meeting of the heirs of Scotland and France.

          Her own mother pushed Adelaide towards the prince who was also stumbling from his mothers insistent pushes.

          "He–Hello." Prince William Francis stammered. Adelaide wasn't quite sure whether to call him William or Francis, but whatever everyone else called him, she knew she'd find herself her own nickname for him.

          "Hello. How are you?" Adelaide didn't stammer which she was thankful for but her question seemed like a generic question.

          However Prince William, saying both his names would be a handful and Adelaide had to choose one to use for now, saved her from creating an awkward silence. "Would you like to play upstairs? I'll race you to the top!"

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