two .

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{Harry's POV.}

I smirk as Niall as I walk down the road to the corner shop right beside campus, our guns shoved into the sides of our tight black jeans, covered by our loose black tees and hoodies, balaclavas in hand. It doesn't take long for us to get there and when my favourite feeling comes along, I know it's time. My heart speeds up and the adrenaline rushes through my veins, making me shiver.

I look over at Niall and nod to him. A signal telling him that we're doing it right now. We put our balaclavas and with our guns in hand, I kick open the door, pointing my gun straight at the owner.

"Get down! Everyone get the fuck down." I smile wickedly as everyone does what I say, a sense of power rushing through my body.

I look over at Niall, who's already stuffing shit into his pockets from the shelfs. I smile and hop over the counter, busting the small drawer on the register open with my hand, stealing every bit of money out of it and let me tell you, it's a lot. I put it into the small bag and tie it tightly so nothing falls out.

And that's when my heart completely stops. I hear police sirens. Fuck! We've never been caught before. I see the police coming in and so does Niall. Luckily they see me first and just as they're about to barge through the door, I throw the bag of money at Niall and he catches it.

"Niall! Leave the food and take the money! Use it to bail me out. Run!"

He runs straight out the back door and suddenly, I'm man handled by the fucking cops. They put my hands behind my back, putting hand cuffs on me immediately.

I scream, using my foot and pushing it against the door to try and stop them from taking me away. Of course, that fails and within thirty seconds, I'm being shoved into the back of a cop car.


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