Letter 18

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Dear Stitch,

I waited. I waited so long to hear from you. Even though I had no way to contact you, I still wrote to you. I wrote to you almost each and every day. I've attached an envelope with all of the letters I could never send. Admittedly, they were in a diary. I know it doesn't really seem like me. I've had plenty of dream diaries, but never one like this. Lei really wanted one so we went looking, and I found one. It was small, cute, and blue. Just like you.

I'm just so happy to know that you're safe and sound. I don't need to know where you are as long as you're out there somewhere. That is better than not knowing... You're letters are being disposed of perfectly. I'll take them to a cousin. There are still enough that I can go visit as per usual and not look suspicious.

Our family is doing as best as we can expect. Nani had to take more work. Times are getting harder and she refuses to let me help. My government position pays handsomely, but she just flat out won't let me. Something about being the older sister just won't let her. It doesn't help that David lost his job... he hasn't been able to find any work lately either.

Pleakley is Pleakley. He's enjoying his role now just as much as he was before, if not even more so. He still butts in on matters he has no idea about, but what can I expect? That's how he is and I love it. The look on the other officials' faces is priceless when he suddenly bursts in. I wish you could see it.

The cousins are doing fine. They miss their friends out there... Switch isn't holding up too well. She won't talk to me and has locked herself away in the lighthouse. I guess we'll never get to see it light up again now...

I'll get word to Angel somehow. She and the kids are terrified. They need to know he's safe. I'll figure out a way without being noticed, don't worry.

Stitch. You can't worry about those that are getting caught up in the fighting. This is a war. And as much as it hurts, everyone is risking everything they have. Don't let it eat you inside. You are already doing everything you can. The enemy is Hamsterveil and the other RODENTS leaders. Focus on getting them. Even if they're together, they can't do anything in custody right?

Once Jumba knows what's going on, tell me. There are a lot of people at home and work that are changed now, and I need to know what to do. I can tell the officials that have bene altered are trying to rally everyone against me. This conspiracy or whatever is more apparent now than ever before. At least I have my friends.

Myrtle, Teresa, Yuki, and Elena visit almost every day. I still can't get Lei to tell me why she won't spend time with them. But I'm happy to have them be here for me. Which is good enough for now. You can't steal me away. We can't run from this. We have to fight, Stitch. We have to finish this.

I know you need a break. I really want you to be able to be happy. I'll write as much as I can to keep up your morale. I promise.




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