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  → Song For The Chapter: Closer by The Chainsmokers ft

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  → Song For The Chapter: Closer by The Chainsmokers ft. Halsey

   → Excuse All Spelling and Grammar Mistakes

    → Beware Of A Fight In This Chapter

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    → Sorry For The Very Late Chapter

    → Enjoy!



"Selena, why the fuck did you do that?" Harry says as anger boils inside of him.

"It was the right thing to do, Harry. We owe her the truth, we should've never done what we did, it was a huge mistake that I'm not going to make again." I say as he pushes me down on the couch with all of his strength.

"I don't care, Selena. I don't even want to be with her anymore, why can't we continue what we had?" He asks annoyed.

"It's not right. You have to be with Taylor, you two deserve each other, okay? She loves you and you love her." I say trying to convince him that he loves Taylor.

"I love her but I'm not in love with her." Harry says grabbing a bottle of beer from the refrigerator and taking a sip of it.

"Why can't you be in love with her? It's not that hard to do so. I get it, it's easier said than done but you have to be in love with her." I say like giving an order.

"I'm in love with someone else, that's why, okay? I don't love Taylor because my heart belongs to someone else, I'm still in love with you, okay?" Harry says angrily as he kisses me out of anger.

The door to the RV swung open interrupting the kiss as it revealed four boys and a one girl.

"Are we interrupting something?" Niall spoke up breaking the silence.

"Nothing, mates." Harry said staring into my dark brown eyes.

"Oh, because it surely looked like something but maybe, that was just me." Perrie said as Harry and I both rolled our eyes.

"What do you want anyways?" I ask as they each step up.

"We looked everywhere that you saw in your dream and we even asked people around the area but they said they had never heard of Blake and Julian Miller." Zayn says as he gives me sad look in his eyes.

"Maybe, I was just dreaming that they were alive, I'm sorry that I basically forced to come search for both of them. We should just get going home." I say as everyone gives me a great big bear hug.

As we all packed up to go home, with Zayn in the driver's seat and Perrie in the passenger's. It was bound to be one of the most stressful trips I've ever taken in my entire life.

"At least we're going home, but to a very pissed Taylor." I thought to myself as I was thinking about what I just did the night before.

I can't believe I just did that, I put Harry and I both into this mess, I wanted to get out of the drama not create it, no matter how messed up my intentions are right now.

After 6 hours of driving, we finally arrived home back in Dallas, Texas. It was the most exhausting trip and we didn't even find neither Blake or Julian.

"I can't believe you, Harry. You chose that bitch over me?" A familiar voice that I'm currently not to fond over yelled angrily.

Taylor walked over to me, she slapped me across the face but sadly it wasn't hard enough to actually knock me out.

"I dare you to punch me back, unless you're too chicken to do so." Taylor said as I walked away trying to keep my anger and violent issues hidden and under control.

Once, she said 'chicken,' I was ready to slap the shit out of her. I actually did too, I slapped her the hardest as she fell onto the ground.

As I walked past them, I spat out blood as I kept on walking home, hoping that this wasn't real, that what I did was just a dream until I stopped in my tracks realizing what I just did.

"Oh my gosh, what the heck did I just do?" I kept thinking to myself, I was walking as fast as I could so nobody could stop me until a familiar voice shouted out stopping me.

"Selena?" Harry yelled trying to catch up to me, I kept running faster and faster, trying to hide from everyone, from him. "Come on, Selena." Harry kept repeating as he chased me around.

"Harry, just go away!" I yelled hoping he would just give up the chase and run back to Taylor. "Why, would I?" Harry asked in complete confusion and distress.

"Selena, you can't hide forever. You know that, just come with me and we can talk. Just the two of us, I promise." He continued saying.

It wasn't that I didn't believe him, it was that I just felt like I wanted to be alone, this wasn't because of me slapping Taylor but that I just didn't feel like being with people. "Harry, I just want to be alone." I replied saying back, hoping he'd get the hint.

"Selena, you know I won't leave you alone, not now, not then, not later." He say as I came out of hiding. "That's the point, Harry, you deserve to be with Taylor, not me. You should be telling Taylor all these things but your not. When you see Taylor, kiss her and never let go." I say repeating and trying to accept the words I just said.

This was it, this was real, Harry and I needed to let each other go, set each other free for good, it's final, it's forever. I took one big deep breath as we did one last kiss, we had gotten closer over the trip and it led right back to this tragic moment. Harry broke the kiss as I said these last trembling words, knowing this was forever, it was hard to let go, "I set you free."

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