Where'd You Go

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Harry's POV:
I needed a break from everything going on in my life, at the moment. I packed everything I needed in a backpack and grabbed my keys and my motorcycle helmet. I hopped on my motorcycle and drove off.

I started thinking while driving.
I don't really love Kendall.
I'm still in love with Selena.
I have to tell Kendall. I can't stand to lie to myself anymore. Besides she deserves to know.
Selena's POV:
"What do you mean, Harry's gone?" I asked Liam and Niall worriedly.
"He wasn't at his house this morning." Liam said.
"I should go looking for him." I said as Liam and Niall nodded.
"Selena, you look at the gym, Liam, you check the alley and I will check his house, the school and his favorite hang outs." Niall said as we nodded and split up.
Kendall's POV:
Niall told me that Harry's missing so I volunteered to help Niall search for him at his house.

We looked through his whole house but there was no signs of Harry and we looked in his room, I looked at his night stand as I saw pictures of him and some girl.
"Who is that?" I asked Niall as I pointed to the girl.
"That's his ex girlfriend." Niall said as he kept looking.
Then it hit me, Harry is still in love with his ex girlfriend. He has no pictures of me and him and if he was over his ex, he would have put away his pictures and things that remind him of her or thrown them up.

Sneak Peek - Next Chapter - Still Into You
"Harry, I'm still in love with you." I said.
"I'm in love with you too, Selena." He said as we kissed for what it seems like forever.

Author's Note
Sorry, I haven't been updating but I have just been having writers block and such. Anyways enjoy this chapter.
Please read my new book called Make It Home. It is a book I wrote when I was bored.
Happy Holidays
xoxo Janae

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