Right By My Side

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Selena's POV:
Harry and I have been drifting apart ever since the accident and Cierra's party is coming up. Cierra said that she is coming over to my house today to hang out and to be honest, that is just what I need, not to be surrounded with drama.
"Harry, will you be right by my side?" I thought to myself.
"Selena, one of your friends is here." Drake yelled from downstairs. She came upstairs and into my room. "Come in." I said.
"You're so lucky."
"Because you're brothers are hot, especially Drake." She said as she started smiling. "No, ew, he is 24 and your 17." I said. We went to the mall to buy our dresses or outfits.
Harry's POV:
"Selena, will you be right by my side?" I thought to myself.
I was at the gym, punching the punching bag. I felt like weights had been lifted off my shoulders. I was so disappointed in myself and how I could let my jealousy get this far and let my jealousy win. I saw Liam enter the gym and he walked towards me.
"Hey Harry, how are you holding up?"
"Fine Liam, I just need some time."
"Harry, remember if you are angry, remember what makes you angry and than take it out on the punching bag, it actually helps with anger."
I remembered what made me so angry, my father abusing my mother, and I kept punching the punching bag hard and hard each time. I was going to FaceTime Selena and I remember all the times we did those things. I went to go apologize to Selena but then I saw her with Chase, laughing, I walked away.
Sneak Peek for next chapter - One Last Time
"Selena, I think we need a break."
I walked out of the building leaving Selena to cry.

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