9. Tumbling Through Tumblr

Start from the beginning

"Chinese food. Your Chinese food is amazing," he mumbled. "Almost as good as your moms." I rolled my eyes as I grabbed things out of bags and into the fridge. I decided to make chow mien and a stir fry and placed the two dishes on the table. We all crowded around and grabbed platefuls of food before returning to the couch. I picked up the remote and started channel surfing. Dylan asked me to stop on a hockey game.

"No, you got the choice last time. It's my turn now," I said, skipping past it. I kept surfing until Sherlock's face popped up. I squealed excitedly.

"Yay! Sherlock!" Dylan groaned and Tyler sighed.

"I hate taking turns."

"Same." I ignored their remarks and settled in to watch another mystery being solved.  


After spending the evening watching Sherlock and setting up camera gear, the three of us went our separate ways. I was currently getting dressed. I threw on a pair of high-waisted shorts seeing as it was nice out, a white t-shirt, and my coral blazer. I slipped on a few thin bangles and a thin silver necklace with a camera attached before grabbing my bag and heading out. I didn't tell Louis I was coming over, but he didn't say he was going anywhere, so I assumed it would be fine. I knocked quietly on the hotel door not wanting to wake anyone up, seeing as it was still rather early.

"Louis?" a quiet voice asked from the other side.

"No... Um, it's Chelsea." It was silent for a minute, and I thought Harry wouldn't open the door, but he did. He was wearing his boxers and a wrinkly t-shirt. His eyes were slightly puffy and red as he took me in.

"I..." Without warning, he crushed me in a hug and started crying quietly on my shoulder. I wrapped one arm around him gently and used the other to close the door. We stood embracing in the hallways for a few minutes before he pulled away. "Sorry," he mumbled, looking down. I dropped my bag on the floor.

"It's fine. Um... Is Louis here?" My words seemed to trigger something as he started crying again.

"No... He- he left, he's staying with Eleanor." Harry rubbed at his eyes.

"Oh... Um, I guess, I'll go then?" I said, grabbing my bag off the ground. Harry grabbed my wrist before I could leave though. 

"No... Please don't go," he whispered. "Stay with me." I bit my lip, remembering what Louis had told me. But Harry was so... broken. He was falling apart, and there was currently no one to hold him together. I nodded silently and dropped my bag, once again, apologizing for everything inside it as I dragged Harry over to the plushy couch in the middle of the room. I disappeared for a second to grab a blanket off his bed, and draped it over him.

"So... are you hungry?" I asked. He shook his head. "Thirsty?" He shook it again, making his hair bounce wildly. "If you need something, I guess I'll be ov-"

"Stay with me," he whispered again, moving over to make a spot for me. I nodded quickly and left to grab my phone out of my bag. When I returned, he was staring dejectedly at the wall. I must have scared him when I sat down because he jumped slightly. "I thought you left," he said, tearing up.

"I just went to grab my phone." I lifted the covers and let him rest his head on my shoulder. I spent a while playing with his hair, pulling apart clumps of curls and making them spring back into shape. "How are you feeling?"

"I... don't know." I nodded, wishing I knew what to say. Deciding he needed some cheering up, I unlocked my phone and started playing Drunk by Ed Sheeran. Not too sad, but not too loud or upbeat either. Then, I decided to introduce him to Tumblr.

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