Chapter 1: The Job

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*Ps: pretend this is in korean*


"WAKE UP YOU IDIOT and go make some pancakes for me!" my step-mom, Ms. Lee demanded, or I'd like to call her Fudge-face.

My REAL mom died when I was a baby so my dad married Fudge-face years later. So Fudge-face used to be named Mrs. Kim after she married my father, but then she switch back her name into Ms. Lee when my dad died 10 years ago. I had to live with Fudge-face for 10 years in my dad's house which is now hers. She said if I live under her roof, I need to follow her rules. So I have to do all the housework, can't have any toys nor cellphone or TV so basically no electronics stuff. Can't have friends/boyfriends so she pulled me out of school 1 year after my dad died. No haircuts, no shopping, no no no nothing! I've been living with her and suffering like this for 10 YEARS!

I woke up, wearing my PJ short with thread that I sew everywhere to cover the holes on my pants and made breakfast for her.

"Ms. Lee, BREAKFAST READY!" I yelled upstairs.

Fudge-face came down. "About time." She sat down and looked at the pancakes. "Where are the blueberries?" she asked. "I TOLD YOU TO MAKE BLUEBERRY PANCAKES!" she started yelling.

"No you didn't," I said.

"NO TALKING BACK! Now make me another one quick!" she said.

'But theres no more blueberry pancakes," I said quickly.

She gave me a dirty look and replied, "then go out to the garden and get some stupid!"

"Fine, Fudge-face" I murdered.

"What did you just say?!" Fudge-face said.

I ignored her then walked outside and slammed the door.

"Omo, it hurt, this kid have no manners," Fudge-face complained.

I was sitting outside next to the door so I heard her complains. I went back in and she's still complaining! I was making the pancakes and she went beside me.

"I'm glad I didn't waste my money for you to go to school," Fudge-face said. "Stupid like your dad and as ugly as your mom," she said, laughing.

My eyes started to hurt as the tears filled it up. I couldn't take it anymore and threw the frying pan on the floor. "YOU! SHUT THE FUCK UP RIGHT NOW! Don't you dare talk about my parents that way ever again you PIECE OF SHIT!" the tears slid down my cheeks as I screamed in Fudge-face's face.

"One more word and you're out of this house and never aloud to come back!" Fudge-face warned.

'Fine, I'll leave, FUDGE-FACE!" I yelled. I took off my apron and threw it in her face. Then ran to my 'room' which is actually a closet and quickly packed in my dad's old suitcase. And ran out of the house wearing a long black coat that I stole from Fudge-face and a pair of slippers.

"LEAVE, AND YOU CAN NEVER EVER COME BACK EVER AGAIN!" Fudge-face yelled from the door.

I ran for awhile and stop at a park. I put my suitcase under one of the bench. I lay on the bench and cried myself to sleep. The next morning, I woke up and found myself alone on a park's bench. And I mean ONLY me! My suitcase was gone! Someone stole it. All I have left was a picture of my mom, dad and me in my pockets.

I tied up my messy hair with a hair tie on my arm and walked around the park, it was about 5 in the morning because no one were driving/walking. Then a piece of paper flew and landed next to my foot. *HIRING HOUSEWORKER FOR EXO* I read as I picked up the paper from the ground. *Need to be 18 and up and a responsible adult. Call this number or visit the address below if interested.*

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