Bucky Barnes- Time

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Something cool brushes over your hair and you slowly open your eyes to see somewhat of a very disoriented and scared Bucky, with scrapes and bruises covering his sweaty and worried features.

You can physically see those wash over the man when you weakly place your hand on his. And he immediately stops brushing your hair back with his hand and leans down to kiss you.
Just as he does a pain like no other shoots through your body.

Sending a hard throbbing with it. You grip your stomach, which feels like the core of the pain and wince.
Worried Bucky returns and grasps your hand tightly.
"Where am I?" You breath out with a dry mouth.

"Hospital in New York." He says quickly as he gets up and leaves. You pull your head up a bit with all the might and strength you can muster to see your stomach.
You see a huge bloody and barely healed gash and hole.
Confusion and fear takes its toll and your head falls backwards.

Am I dieing?
You think to yourself, a loud beeping noise rapidly strikes and you realize its your own heart rate.
Everything becomes dizzy and a low thin line of beeps is the last thing you heard.

Light shines in off and on.

"She's going into shock!"

Who's that? You question but its like nothing matters anymore.



These are very knew to you.

Something heavy drags you down but you don't want to go so you fight it and try to go into the soft and gentle light.

When you reach it you feel bliss and finally tranquil.


Earlier that day....

"(Y/n)! I've got you!" Bucky yells over the loud noise erupting from the center of the base.
"Bucky? What're you doing hear?" You ask but before he says anything he scoops you up in his arms and checks for any enemies that could be approaching.

"Why are you taking me?!" You scream hitting his back.
"I left HYDRA, but I realized I left something else..." He shouts shooting at someone,
"You," he finishes and something blooms inside of you making you feel....happy?
Very strange HYDRA took you because you were smart and not happy.

You stop hitting him and just let him carry you as far as he wants.

He sets you down just outside of the main base.
"Take this I have to find Steve." He shouts handing you a gun.
You spot a SHIELD agent and by instinct you shoot.
He falls but you only shot him in the leg.
Wrong side.
You think to yourself.
"Sorry!!" You shout to the man gripping his leg and you run out of sight.

On the side lines you take a breath feeling the adrenaline course through you. Trying to stop it by breathing slowly.

Your constant breathing his hitched by something cold pressed against the back of your skull.
You instantly drop your gun in defeat.
"(Y/n)?" I recognizable voice asks.

You turn to find your friend (Bf/n),
"(Y/n) why are you out here? Your a scientist you should get back inside or you could get shot." She says in a warning tone.
"Its fine...I decided I wanted to help." You say picking your gun up and lying to your best friend.

"Well you shouldn't, you have low gun experience." She says walking in front of you cautiously checking with wandering eyes. You roll your eyes,
"At least its something." You smile. She shakes her head dismissing your remark.

"You always have something to say." She smiles before walking out and shooting SHIELD agents freely.
You quickly reload your gun which has the SHIELD label on it before marching out your self.

You spy an agent coming for (Bf/n) so you decide to take your chance.
But what you didn't see before striking the man was his title.
Your best friends boyfriend dies before her eyes at your hand.

He collapses in front of her and she falls to her knees weeping.
She carefully turns her head and spies you a look of betrayal on her face.
Her lips move but you can't hear anything on seeing the hurt in her eyes.

"Traitor." She screams and you hear it clearly.
"How could you!!" She gets up and aims her gun.
She couldn't kill you?
"Traitor..." She repeats before hitting the trigger.


Mean while...

Bucky drags his hand down the glass window viewing you sprawled out dead on a gurney.

I let this happen.

I shouldn't have gone there.

Wrong place.

Wrong time.

No time.


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