Bucky--- Best Friends FOREVER

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1983. Sept. 12. Tues.

HYDRA Main Facility.

"Soldat 428..." You read the sheet on your clipboard aloud and then look up into the cell.

You see dead cold eyes staring into yours. Though they still have a slight glimmer.

"Hi. I'm (Y/n). I'll be examining your behavior and whatnot." You give the man a smile but he remains silent. Just staring.

"Um. I'm new here, I'll just start out by saying I've got almost no experience." You laugh to yourself then clear your throat, pull your stool up and sit down.

"Uh... It says your name is Bucky?" You read the papers again, skimming over the pages.

"That a nickname?" You meet his eyes again.

He sits in the corner. His knees up yo his chest. He looks almost afraid.

"Hey, I'm not gonna hurt you. Don't be afraid." You place the clipboard on the cement ground.

"I'm not afraid that you'll hurt me. It's the other way around." He finally speaks up.

"So he does talk." You smile. "Listen, I'm not afraid of any of you soldiers, and to be honest, if one of you ever tried anything, I'd rest easy knowing it'd be dealt with." You shrug simply.

"Now... How are you feeling?" You ask nonchalantly.

He scoffs.

"Really? You're asking a prisoner. A guy who gets tortured, injected with God knows what, how he is?" He frowns deeply. You'd struck a cord. Good.

"Yes." You smile slightly and his head cocks to the side.

"Well then, lady, you've got some nerve." He hisses and you sigh and stand up, picking up the clipboard.

"We've made a bit of progress but... I'll see you again tomorrow." You give him a nod with the tip of your hat and continue on down the long dark, damp, hall.

"Morning, Bucky."

He squints his eyes up at you. Still sitting in the same way you'd left him.

"Only my friends call me that." He frowns.

"Friends?" You raise a brow and he frowns deeper.

"Never mind." He shakes his head.

"Alright. Well. No offence but I think I'm your only friend." You sit on your stool.

"I said never mind."

You grab the papers, look over the questions you're supposed to ask then crumple it up and toss it over your shoulder.

"Screw the questions. Let's get... Real." You smile and he raises a confused brow.

"My name is (Y/n) (Y/m/n) (Y/l/n). I grew up in (State/province), in the small town of (town). I grew up with (#) siblings and had a pet (animal). It died when I was (#). Balled my eyes out." You smile.

"Your turn." You grin and he fjrrows his brows then... Reluctantly tells you his story.

You ended up getting along very well.

You later became best friends.

You'd do anything for him.

Your bosses didn't like that.

When he was sent away back into cyro- that was a very hard time for you.

You begged and begged them to release him. Just to say hello.

But they never did.

You got over it and soon forgot.

Forgot about all the torture and pain he went through and lived your life.

Gave up with the HYDRA-ness and vowed never to tell anything to anyone of what you saw in there. And you never did.

You married.

Had kids.

Had a life.

Without the one you used to call your best friend.

Really random but oh wellll

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