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• Maria's POV •

We soon arrived at the airport, on time luckily. It didn't take us too long to drive up here.

I dragged my suitcase along and entered the large building. There were many other people in the same room, seeing as it was so large.

We went through many stages before we could actually wait to board the plane, but soon enough we made it to the waiting room.

I was trembling and watching the planes take off outside. Amy came and sat down beside me.

"Hey, Maria, what's up? You look like a chihuahua with all that trembling."

"I'm scared of flying, haven't I told you?" I murmured.

"Oh, you must be pretty scared right now," she put her arm around me.

I nodded slowly and rested my head against her shoulder.

"I'll sit next to you on the flight, and you can grip onto me if you ever get scared," she said, comforting me.

I trusted Amy with my heart, she was like an older sister to me, even though she was only months older than me, she still acted like one.

Soon enough, we all heard an announcement from the speakers on the walls stating that the flight to New York was leaving in 30 minutes and all passengers attending this flight must now board the plane.

We all got up and entered the plane together. I stuck by Amy and James tagged along with the two of us, whilst Hayley and Isaac walked behind us slightly.

The seats on the plane were in threes, so me Amy and James all sat together and Hayley and Isaac sat together on the chairs in front of us. I sat the seat furthest from the window, for obvious reasons. Amy was sat next to me with James by the window.

The flight assistants went over safety precautions and not long after, the pilot told us all that the plane was going to take off in 5 minutes.

I began trembling again, and Amy hugged me.

"Trust me, taking off isn't really that bad," Amy insisted.

"I understand, but during the flight there is a possibility of crashing.." I explained.

"Just try not to worry about that, why don't you listen to your music and forget that we're on a plane," she suggested.

I nodded, got out my mp3 player and listened to my favourite Metallica playlist.

We took off safely and we were well above the clouds. I was still gripping onto Amy and a couple of snobby girls walked past, laughing at me, but I couldn't give two shits, and Amy didn't care either.

The flight was sooo long, 7 hours in total, and we were 1 hour away from New York. The time was 12, which would be the time when we land in New York, time zones confuse me.

At this point I had listened to many of playlists, and I was just starting my Slipknot one, getting me in the mood for tomorrow.

We were 5 minutes away and Amy was asleep, so I had to wake her up.

But James did the work for me, by kissing her. I sighed, it sucks to be single.

We landed safely and I got off the plane in joy.

"Wasn't so bad was it," Hayley came up behind me.

"I was scared shitless throughout the entire flight, but its over now so its not so bad at this very moment," I replied.

Hayley giggled and held Isaacs hand.

We all got our bags and grabbed a taxi outside the airport to take us to our hotel.

We got to our hotel and I flopped down onto my bed. There were two double beds and a single bed, so we all know who got the single bed, of course it's the only single girl.. Me.

But hey, as I said, I was totally fine with that.

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