meeting the real miss smytheson....

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hello my lovely readers, sorry for not updating sooner. i had to wait for me lappy to arrive :D.

if i have a random song in my head, it may go on here :D 

now tis still in george's turn.. 

the sight before me was something from the tv or films, never in my life have i seen what was happenening. in one corner of the room, it had my wife holding two small boys crying their hearts out, with her trying to stop them, then you have my son standing in the middle of the room trying to make sure that his wolf doesnt come out yet, then you see the teenaged Kayla, in the far corner against the wall, blood coming down her face, with a mad woman holding her up by the hair and slapping her.  she whimpered and my son growled, i smiled yup they were a good pair for each other.  doug looked as if he was fighting his wolf so, me being the nosey parent i is, had a wander in there, but got quickly kicked out...well i never.

"THAT IS ENOUGH!" yup everyone in the room heard me, the woman was still holding the girl to the wall, put had stopped hitting her for now, my son was bowing his head down to me, my wife was still calming the two now crying madley children."MISS SMYTHESON STEP AWAY FROM THE GIRL NOW." i saw her drop the child as if she was rubbish and leave but turned and kicked her hard in the stomach and sat down near my wife laughing at the smurfs on tv. one heck of a random person here. 

 i looked to my wife telling her to take the twins for something to eat, then turned to douglas to see him kneeling to the teen on the floor. he knew what to do and followed my exact orders, but by the looks on his face, i knew he wouldnt let anything happen to her if he could help it.

now that i was alone with the mad lady, i sat on one of the clean looking chairs and stared at her. i was about to speak when she suddenly turned to me and spoke/

"you want to know who i am, why i did that, i am in trouble now for beating up dear old alphas sons mate. aww is that shock on your face." she blurted out then laughed. how the funkey monkeys did she know that. " why you wonder. well i shall leave that to you my friend, now where the heck is my servant" i looked at her questioning " you know, tall teenaged girl, goes by the name of kay-" 

i stood up so fast the world spun, "that child is no slave for you, she is a ordinary teenaged girl who has had a bad life for now but thats all over ." i was going to give her the little speach that i had prepared in my head but my best fighter Alex popped in to my head. 

''sir we are all outside, some in wolf form, some in human form. oh and docs wondering where he is needded. we brought 4 range rovers with us, one trunk full of spare clothes for those who came wolf style and the rest for the kids things. is there any assistance needed in there?" i looked back to the place i had last seen the woman, she was not there, i looked around. she had gone. va moosh.

oh for the love of bubbles...we gots our selves a problems..


i left it a tad late to update, but i have nosey sisters and a pain in the monkey butt of a sister too, she hid my bag of works and etc.. 

well here it is.. feel free to comment :) more soon :D 


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