Chapter 5

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It was almost six months and Priya was still at the ward. She had shown signs of improvement, but she had not recovered completely. Shiv, Priya's brother went to spend time with her almost every weekend. It was the only thing, she looked forward to. Initially Ravi used to visit almost every alternate day, but eventually it reduced to once a month. She could sense his increasing reluctance with every visit. Shiv spent a lot of time with her, narrating interesting stories from his curio shop and antique auctions. He was the owner of a curio shop and held auctions in his shop frequently.

That day Shiv looked pretty grim. He had visited her almost after two weeks. He was busy and traveled extensively to arrange a major auction which was to be held next month.

'You look tired. Are you working late again? You should take a break after this auction of yours.'

'Nah, Sis. I am fine. I am just not in a right mood,' said Shiv.

'Is everything alright? Is it anything related to work? You could have stayed back. This ward is too far away from the city.'

'Sis, you know that I never miss visiting you, if I can help. It is nothing related to work. It is related to you and Ravi.'

'Is Ravi alright? What happened to him?' asked Priya alarmed.

'Yes! Off Course!' scoffed Shiv. 'When was the last time he visited you?'

'Almost 45 days ago. Why? What is it?'

Shiv took out his cell phone and showed him a photo on his cell phone. It was a capture of Ravi and that girl walking hand in hand in City Mall, whom she had seen in her drawing room and in the café with Ravi. Ravi had denied her existence. She herself thought that she was hallucinating and going mad. But here she was. The girl existed in flesh and bones and she was with Ravi.

'I had seen them in City Mall for the first time. It didn't look good. I thought of asking around. After a bit of questioning and gossiping, I got to know she was his girlfriend. She has already moved into your apartment with him. Now you know why Ravi has been visiting lesser and lesser.'

'Shiv, something does not match up. I had seen this girl before I came to this ward. She was with him and he denied her existence even. What is Ravi playing at?'

Shiv's expression darkened. 'Can you show me the medicines you are having? I have spoken to the doctor. He says that you had shown signs of improvement in the first month, but there are no improvements since then.'

'My medicines!' laughed Priya. 'Are you a doctor?'

'Hand it over!' said Shiv very seriously.

'My medicines are given by the nurse, who comes thrice a day. They don't keep my medicines in my room.'

'What time does the nurse come to give you the medicine?'

'She is here by 8'o clock in the morning, 1'o clock by afternoon and 8' o clock at nighttime.'

'It is 12.10 pm. They will never allow me to stay till 1'o clock as the visiting hours are over by that time. I will find a way. Till then can you do something for me? Don't take any medicines. Pretend that you are taking the medicines given by that nurse. Throw them away, flush them, do whatever you want but don't take those medicines,' said Shiv sounding angry.

Priya nodded and Shiv left hurriedly.

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