2 = Revelation

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Chat Noir watched as Ladybug flipped and spun over the Paris skyline. His heart beating wildly. He was so deeply in love with her, it hurt. His endless attempts to woo her were futile. Nothing was working. And his heart was ever so slowly breaking. But he would never let Ladybug see. He knew she was stronger than him, but he couldn't let her think he was weak.

Noir made his way home. Plopping down on his bed as the last of his transformation was wearing off. Plagg got out of his Miraculous and moaned for more cheese.

"C'mon Adrien! Can't I even have a little bit of cheddar at least? " he begged. Adrien gave in and fed his kwami before sitting at the window seat, watch a light rain batter the streets. He hoped Ladybug had made it home before the rain had started.


Marinette stood in her bathroom, wringing the rain water out of her navy blue hair, it had gone a little curly due to the water.

GAH! Stupid rain! She thought.

Marinette grabbed a towel and dried her hair. Once she was dry, she collapsed onto her bed, exhausted from the days events, and almost immediately fell asleep.


The sky blue butterfly flew away into the pitch black night sky. Another akuma defeated. Another person saved. But Ladybug wasn't the cheerful and confident heroine that she was normally. Something was on her mind. Chat could tell. And when she tried to leave, he grabbed her wrist.

"Ladybug. " he said firmly.

The bluenette looked back at him, his feline emerald eyes meeting her blue orbs.

"What's wrong... " he spoke quietly and the genuine concern he had for her was obvious.

That did it. Ladybug fell to her knees, her hands covering her face as she held in her sobs of despair. Chat Noir was frozen for a moment. He had never seen her break down like this, normally she was so confident and collected, this was quite a shock. He did what his instincts told him and got on his knees beside her, resting his hands on her arm.

The moment she felt him touch her, she threw her arms around his neck and buried her face into his shoulder. The surprised blonde softly put his arms around her waist, returning her embrace.

"My Lady, why are you so upset?" he almost whispered to the crying girl.

Ladybug composed herself and with an uncharacteristically nervous voice, said

"Whenever we eventually defeat Hawkmoth, we... we will have to return to our normal lives. I... I'll never be able to see you again... "

Noir had to stop tears from racing to his own eyes, and he smiled at his Lady.

"There is a way we can still see each other... " he spoke softly. He reached up and slowly removed his green cat eye contacts and his black mask.

Ladybug's jaw dropped.


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