Sweet Dares

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Whoopsy did I end on a cliffhanger there?>~< •///•

We all watched excitedly as it landed on Isabella.

"Ok, Isabella. Truth or Dare?" Other Candace asked.
"I dare you to switch clothes with our Isabella."

Other Isabella looked at my- er Isabella's very pink clothes and cringed.

"But sir!" Other Isabella started.
"Uh uh. No complaining, soldier." Other Isabella looked down in defeat and went to the bathroom.
"Wait up for me, Phin!" Isabella said and followed her doppelgänger.
"I'm just going to get a drink." Other me said and went to the kitchen.

A few minutes later, they both walked out. I couldn't tell the difference between the two.

"Yes?" They both answered.
"Um..." They were so identical. Apart from the clothes anyways. I tried to find the difference between them but I couldn't.

"Ok it's my turn!" The Isabella with the soldierish clothes said. I smiled. That one was my Isabella.
"Ok I'm back!" Other me said with a coke in his hand

Isabella quickly spun the bottle and it landed on Ferb.

"Truth or Dare, Ferb."
Ferb blinked his eyes.
"Ok truth! Would you rather not be able to build anything for the rest of your life but the love of your life loves you forever or get everything you've ever wanted but be forever alone?" She asked.

Ferb glanced at Vanessa and looked back at Isabella.  Only Isabella and I knew what he was saying when he was quiet.

"Aw that's so sweet, Ferb!" Isabella gushed.

Everyone looked at us in confusion.

"Ferb said the first one." I explained.

They still looked confused but accepted it. Ferb was a man of action.

"Ok Ferb! Your turn!" Isabella said and handed him the bottle.

Ferb flicked the bottle and it spun around until it landed on Other Phineas.

"Cool! It's me! I pick dare!" Other Me said.

Ferb looked at him. He was observing him and it seemed to make Other Me uncomfortable.

"Kiss Isabella." Ferb finally said. I felt my hands clenching but then I remembered that there was an Isabella from this dimension too.

Other Me looked nervous but also excited. He walked over to where the Isabella's were sitting and looked at them.

Then he leaned down and kissed the Isabella with the soldier clothes. They were really getting into it and were melting into the kiss although the Isabella struggled a little bit like she was having an internal conflict.

Everyone gasped and looked at me.
I was confused until I remembered. Isabella had switched clothes with her doppelgänger but the Other Me didn't know.

"Don't touch her!" I yelled and punched Other Me in the face.
"Phineas!" Isabella shouted and pulled me back before I could hurt Other Me even more.
"What the heck, man?! What was that for?!" He yelled and I looked at him in fury.
"That one is your Isabella!" I screamed and pointed to the Other Isabella.

Other Me looked in confusion between the two Isabella's. When the Other Isabella smiled, he gasped in horror.

"Oh god." He muttered.
"Phineas, he didn't know." Isabella said.
"Why didn't you stop him?!" I asked.
"Ferb said for him to kiss me. He didn't say which one." She sighed, her eyes full of sadness.

I turned to Ferb. His eyes were just as horrified as everyone else's.

"Phineas, I am so sorry. I forgot that he didn't know." He apologized. I wanted so bad to hit him.
"Whatever." I muttered and sat down.

Isabella tried to sit next to me but I pushed her away. I didn't want to be here right now.

"Phineas, I'm so sorry. I-I didn't know." Other Me said and glanced between me, Isabella, and Other Isabella.

"I said whatever! I don't care!" I snapped. My face was burning from anger. I hated that I wasn't the first to kiss Izzy or that she had let him kiss her like it was normal.

"Phineas..." Isabella tried to touch my shoulder but I brushed her off.

"I'm taking a walk..." I muttered.

I could feel their eyes following me as they probably pitied me. Whatever. They can do what they want.

I went outside and sat down against the tree that was just like mine back home.

Did Isabella like that kiss? Did she like him? He was practically me...

"Hey shortstuff." I heard Isabella's voice and I turned to see her wearing her usual clothes.

"Wait, are you my Isabella or the one from here?" I asked. I wasnt taking any chances. There was a million thoughts running through my head and I didn't feel like dealing with the confusion of who was who.

"I'm Isabella from here." She said and sat next to me. "So...that was...quite a scene..." 

"Yea..." I muttered and buried my face in my knees.

"Don't feel bad. I'm also not feeling good myself."

"You like your Phineas?" I asked.

"I like Ferb but I've gotten this weird feeling that my Phineas likes me. Seeing that just made me confused. He thought she was me and was excited to kiss her! Ferb is in love with another girl so I was thinking..." She sighed and copied me by putting her face in her knees.

"Do you think they know we have a thing for them?" I asked and she shrugged.

"I wish he would just tell me that he likes me so I wouldn't be confused." She muttered.

 I glanced over at her and I could've sworn she was my Isabella. She looked like her and sounded like her but that was because she was the second dimension Isabella. She was Isabella.

"I wish she wasn't so oblivious." I said. She looked at me and her face was turning red.

"I'm oblivious?!" She exclaimed.


"Oh um I mean..." She stuttered.

"I-Isabella?!" She blushed and I felt anger filling my chest.

"You're my Isabella?!" She nodded.

Phinbella-Mine:The Second DimensionWhere stories live. Discover now