Chapter Six

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A/N: Starting from now, I'll only update on weekends because of school. There are only four or so chapters left though, so I think it'll be fine. I don't know. What do you guys think? Does anyone even read this story? Well, if you do, enjoy!

Warning: Violence, blood, mature language, all that fun stuff.


Michael heard the shrilling scream before he even arrived at the lake. It was loud and pierced through his ears, leaving behind goosebumps in its wake. Michael turned to his best friend, Daniel, who was looking at him in worry. He quickened his pace, forcing his legs to work faster despite the unbearable burn in his thighs.

The sight he saw when he arrived shook him to his bones. It felt like a living nightmare.

Namjoon was on the dirty ground near the lake, the teenager's face panicked. The boy shuffled backwards on his butt, his hands gripping onto wet sand, trying desperately to keep some distance from a girl. Except she wasn't just another girl.

Michael knew her instantly the moment he saw her. He's seen her face multiple times before. Her hair was messy, mixed with dirt and sand. Her once beautiful dress was torn and burnt and blackened by mud. She was barefoot, and the expression she wore on her face was one of those he often saw on mental patients.


When the girl turned her face, Michael felt dizzy. His head spun and he suddenly couldn't breathe. She was exactly as he'd remember her. Every single detail on her face; despite it being bloody and bruised. He could recognize those brown eyes everywhere. 

She was Shei.

"Fuck," He heard Daniel mumble. "We've got to help him, Michael."

"Oh, dear God." Michael exclaimed. His running came to a stop as he neared the scene. He struggled to hold in his nausea, not wanting to throw up. Ren and Yuna immediately turned to face him and Daniel, their eyes saying things their mouths couldn't; Shei was here for Namjoon.

Someway, somehow, she knew that Namjoon told them about her. She knew that Namjoon revealed her secrets and was now going to ruin him.

"How is this possible?" Daniel asked, making sure to keep his voice low. "Why is she here?"

"She's angry, Daniel." Michael replied as calmly as he could. "I bet she knows about our conversation with Namjoon last night."

Daniel took a long time to reply, and when he did, he said, "Great. Fucking great. Spirits can eavesdrop on us now? Fucking awesome."

Michael glared at his friend. "They can always hear us, you know? We just couldn't see them because they didn't grant us the ability to. We should've been more careful."


"Yes, we. You are just as involved in this as I am." 

"But you called me! If you didn't, I wouldn't even be there! Namjoon was the one insisting to tell us the truth. He knew the risks!"

"Just shut up, Daniel!" Michael growled, "If you're not going to help; fine. I'll do it myself."

Daniel tried to protest but it was too late. Without thinking, Michael did the only thing his heart told him to; call out for Shei.

"Hey! Hey!" Michael yelled out, walking closer to Namjoon. Daniel held his arm, pulling him back. His friend looked at him with worry, but he shook his head. He didn't have a plan, but he had to do something. Turning back towards Shei, he yelled, "Don't hurt the boy!"

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