Chapter Four

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Oh God.

That was Michael's first thought when he woke, staring at the ceiling of an unknown room. He blinked a few times, rays of sunlight from the open window causing his eyes to hurt. He blocked his eyes using a hand, still blinking rapidly.

Michael pushed himself into a sitting position, leaning his body against the headboard. His head spun and he felt temporarily blinded by the sudden movement, but soon recovered. Blinking a few more times to clear his vision, Michael then reached for the bedside table for his phone. He felt nothing, and realized he was in a different room than the one he previously slept in.

He looked around at the few beds lined up beside the one he was in and realized he was at the doctor's. Something bad must have happened to him last night. He wasn't sure what, but he must get out of here. It was the only way to know the answer.

Michael was about to get to his feet when the door to the room opens. Walking inside with his head bowed down and hair messed up, was his best friend, Daniel.

"What happened last night?" Michael asked, his voice cracking at the end of his sentence. He was thirsty and his throat hurt, aching for a gulp of fresh water. Daniel jumped, and his eyes widen as he took Michael in. Daniel looked like shit, Michael thought as he eyed the other man's eye bags and pale skin. "Jesus, you look awful."

Daniel's eyes narrowed, his mouth curled into a sneer before saying, "I could say the same about yourself." Michael grinned slightly, but the smile faltered when he felt a sharp pain at the back of his head. He tried to cover up his pain but Daniel noticed and sighed, "You gotta stop doing this to me, man. You're worrying me, Michael. I thought I was going to lose you."

Michael frowned, confused. He tried remembering whatever happened to him during his last moments of consciousness, but couldn't recall a thing.

"Wh-what happened? I can't remember anything." He said truthfully.

"Well, I would've told you if I knew." The other man replied, "But I don't. All I know is that is that I went out with Namjoon for a while to buy dinner, and we got home and you were already passed out on the floor."


"How long have I been out?" Michael asked.

"Almost thirty-six hours now. I was scared shitless, Mikey..." Daniel replied, eyebrows furrowing. "I thought you weren't going to wake up. Dr. Park said you must have hit your head with something when you went down 'cause you were bleeding. We were worried you had internal bleeding.. but he assured you'd be fine. I almost didn't believe him."

Oh, so that explains the pain, Michael thought. Seeing his friend still frowning, Michael forced himself to his feet. He stumbled a bit, but managed to get to Daniel. Smiling softly, he reached out a hand to smooth down the deep frowns between Daniel's brows.

"I'm really sorry. I didn't mean to worry you. I'm OK now though. You know I'm strong, right?" He said.

"Yeah, well. It still doesn't change the fact that you were hurt."

"I'm fine, Daniel. I promise."

Daniel took a deep breath, "Yeah, OK. I believe you. I'm just glad you're awake now." Daniel then took Michael into his arms, hugging him tight. "Do you need anything? Are you hurt anywhere?"

"No, thank you. Just a little pain near my temple."

"Alright. I'll call in Dr. Park for you." Daniel informed, letting go of Michael and then walked out of the room. Daniel was a step outside the door when Michael called his name. "Yeah?" Daniel replied, a hand on the doorway.

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