Chapter Five

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Michael wasn't sure what the actual hell was going on.

He had been in Samjin for four days now, and had received plenty of information from the villagers, yet there was no solid answer that could help him and Daniel solve this case once and for all. It drove him to the edge of his patience. He knew he had to meet the spirit; it was the only way. But he was warned by the doctor not to put too much stress on himself, and he wasn't sure if Daniel would even allow him to go.

Which was stupid. He was a grown man, for God's sake. He's capable of taking care of himself, thank you very much.

Michael sighed. He put his head down under the shower, letting streams of hot water wash over his back. He began replaying his conversation with Namjoon last night in his mind; trying to find answers. 

"Because it involves them."

A tense silence spread across the room, causing an electrical tension between the three men. Crossing his arms over his chest, Michael decided to break the unbearable silence by asking, "What does that mean?"

Namjoon sighed, sitting down on a nearby chair, "It's - Well -It's complicated."

"Nothing in life is complicated, Namjoon. You're the one making it so." Daniel voiced out. Daniel's eyebrows were scrunched up and Michael had to admit, his friend looked as if he had aged in the few days they've been here. "Explain from the very beginning. Tell us why you lied in the email."

"Yes, please, Namjoon. We would really like to know." Michael interrupted, being as polite as he could. He heard Daniel huffed next to him, and he shot his friend a glare. 

Namjoon was terrified of his grandparents; the last thing the boy wanted was for Michael and Daniel to get angry as well.

Namjoon sighed yet again, "Hyung, promise me you won't get mad, OK?" 

Michael nodded his head quickly, encouraging the teen while Daniel, being Daniel, rolled his eyes. 

"OK. OK. It's, well, actually I did write everything into the email - every detail - just as Ren and Yuna told you both." Namjoon said quietly.

"But? What happened?" Michael encouraged.

"But when Grandpa read it, he told me to re-write it. He said something about - about the haunting being a part of this village's secret. It should never be told to outsiders."

"We're not some random outsiders, you know that. We're  here to help you guys." Daniel stated. 

"I know... But Grandpa is my grandfather, my blood and flesh. He's taken care of me for as long as I can remember. I couldn't just disobey him."

"Did you at least ask him why he did that?" Michael asked.

"I did, out of curiosity. He said, um, he said it'll awaken the spirit's wrath and that's why I was told to keep it a secret." Namjoon explained. "I was terrified, so I-I didn't say anything. I'm sorry."

Namjoon's lips began trembling, and the boy had to take a deep breath to avoid crying. Michael felt pain for him; the boy was stuck between fulfilling his grandfather's wish and helping the villagers. That was pressuring, to say the least. Michael looked at his friend, seeing Daniel's face expression softening.

"It's fine. We're not mad at you, Namjoonie." Daniel said soothingly. "I'm sorry I yelled at you the other day. I didn't have any reason to."

Namjoon sniffed, using the end of his sleeve to wipe his nose, "It's alright. I would do the same thing if I were you."

"I just don't understand..." Michael said. "Why would Kirai say anything like that? Does he have any connection with the spirit?"

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