A miraculo whaaaaaa???!!!!

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(Y/n)'s pov (in Japan)

I was walking home alone in the foggy dark night .....all ALONE!!!!! . Like a horror movie right? All you could hear was the soft pitter patter of my (f/c/s)(favorite colored shoes) on the wet concrete of the dark streets of Japan.I was with my 2 best friends Andrew and Hana and both were twins ....... Odd right? Anyways Back to the story I was walking with them until they had to go home I was use to this but today it felt odd I couldn't grasp the feeling I felt but I continued walking anyways. I was just walking in silence and in the cold lonely streets like in most of the fanfics I've read like as in the girl always wants to go home faster don't take a shortcut because the girl always gets attacked or saved or both but I really needed to break the rules and get home and quickly so I took my chances and took a shortcut though an dark scary ally. Everything was normal until I saw a necklace and 2 bracelets the first bracelet looked like for a boy and the other one ......was weird looking I guess but it was cute! I quickly grabbed all 3 of them but I slipped on the necklace on me then I  put the bracelets in my bag . Maybe I could give it to the twins?Then just as I began walking again then a weird blob thingy popped out "Haii I'm a miraculous and my name is  Zuki!!! Nice to meet you!!" 'Zuki' said I only let out a squeak

-Time skip after Zuki explaining everything to you XD-

"So now I'm a superhero?" I asked still confused "Yea and you know those 2 bracelets you also found?" Zuki said pointing at my bag "Yea what about them? Wait are they like you?!" I yelled my eyes widening "Yup see your smart!! You can give it to Hana and Andrew!!! Then they would be super heroes too!!! But your name is Black panther!!!" Zuki replied smiling I took this time to see her features and noticed she had a small tail and cute ears she was also (f/c)(favorite color)
"And when you what to transform you say Zuki:Fangs out!!!!! (Sorry it's lame!!!) Okay!!!" Zuki said I only nodded at her and walked home safely with Zuki by my side the whole time!
so what do you guys think please tell me in the comments and click that vote thingy!!! And follow me please!!!!

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