Alex (mortal)

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There she is, Annabeth Chase aka the Perfect girl. She is smart, pretty, funny, amazing and so many other things. Luckily she is one of my best friends and soon to be more. She said that she likes someone who has dark hair and striking green eyes and well my eyes aren't striking but hey she just described me. Today after school I'm going to ask her out because she loves me I know it.

I walk up to her at her locker and before I can tell her to meet me after school she says "Alex I have a surprise for you after school meet me in the parking lot." This is it I think she is going to ask me out. I mean we would make the perfect couple us both being really smart and our looks.
-------------time skip to after school--------------

After the last period bell rings I walk out of the door and she my crush. This is it here we go she is about to ask me out. While I was thinking about us dating I failed to notice a sea green Lamborghini pull up. The guy the walked out made me gay for like 10 seconds. He looked like he was looking for someone when his eyes landed on Annabeth. He started walking over to her and when she saw him she ran up to him and kissed him, SHE KISSED HIM. I ran over there and broke them apart and punched home in the face. He said "What the hell dude?" "Why were you kissing my GIRLFRIEND" he said "Your girlfriend last time I checked she was kissing me" he poked like he was about to kill me but I didn't back down. Before he could say another word I kissed Annabeth. The guy pulled me off of her and punched me in the face 37 times, he probably would have killed me if Annabeth didn't stop him. Before I could say thank you they walked away and when they got to the guys car the started making out. If I could get have gotten up I would have pulled them apart again.So this how I lost my crush to some loser you call a guy.
-------------------5 years later----------------------

Well turns out that Annabeth and the guy got married and had a kid. How do I know u ask, I was watching the olympics when that guy Percy Jackson won a gold metal and Annabeth and her kid when to came to congratulate him.

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