||How to Steal a Happy Ending: A Warning||

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WARNING: Your heart may not be strong enough to follow the path it's chosen. Your resolve may crumble. Your determination may waver. And you may start to think that perhaps you don't deserve a happy ending after all. That it's not your place in life, that your role lies in the sidelines.

To that we say, bullshit. Who's to say what you can or can't be? Or what you do or don't deserve?

We're thieves. Every single one of us. Dirty, lying, degenerate thieves. It's just that some of us win and some of us don't. And the only thing you should be thinking about is how to make sure you're part of the some that's winning, not whether or not you deserve to.

Do you think bank robbers stop to contemplate the idiosyncrasies of life and consult their moral compass? Not successful ones for sure.

This world, it's a free for all.

And you have just as much claim on that guy's heart as anyone else.

So WARNING: stealing a happy ending is just as hard as it is easy.

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