||How To Steal A Happy Ending: Step Three||

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Once you've reconciled, we warn you - DO NOT jump the gun. You are no where near that happily ever after. No, when talking about the ordeal called love, the drama thus far created is no where near enough.

This is essential because the longer you two dance around your feelings, the more that people will ship you. And everyone knows that the audience gets what the audience wants.

For the untrained rookie it can take years to rack up enough friction and drama. But with our easy to follow cheat sheet we'll have you in everyone's hearts quicker than you can say otp.

The easiest and the fastest method is, of course, the ever famous bet.

However, if you partner isn't a gambling man then try one of these expert approved alternatives:

•attend a house party for which a date is not required but you still have one.

(The date you take doesn't have to be your man. In fact, it's better if it isn't. Sowing the seeds of jealousy can only reap bountiful harvest.)

•go to a school dance for which a date is required but you don't have one...till the very last minute, of course.

(This one has to be the guy, you can't show up at a school dance with someone other than the man of your dreams - it's common sense)

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