Kagami straightened up and looked at the shocked faces of his teammates. They couldn't believe that Kagami actually said that. If anyone would have said something like that, they would have never thought it would have been Kagami. Since it is Kagami, Kuroko's light and best friend. They did every thing together. They were inseparable. They were one entity. Shadow and Light.          

"What? You were all thinking it." Kagami said after seeing the on their faces. It was true they were thinking it, but nonetheless they were shocked.

"Well, that's true but still..." Teppei said looking at Kagami from his sitting position besides Hyuga, who refused to look at anyone.
"Oh shut it, someone had to say it," Kagami said, as the others nodded, "Besides, who cares? That little pic of shit needs to learn his lesson." By that point Hyuga, who had been silent and still had enough, he quickly stood up scaring the team and making Kagami step back.

He fized his glasses before saying, "I've had enough of this. Everyone pick up your things, we are leaving now." He took his duffel bag from the ground and walked to the door holding it open for the team members to pass.

Kagami stood in his spot looking at Kuroko, who hadn't moved at all. He shook his head, spat at him, took his things and left the room, never looking back.

Hyuga sighed looking at Kuroko, he was angry. Not as much as Kagami, but still. To him this is were their paths separated.

"Kuroko, you should quit basketball." With that he left the room.

Riko was too shocked to comprehend what just happened. She was sitting in the bus when it all came crashing down. What the team did, what Kagami said. It was all wrong, so so wrong. Without realizing it tears started streaming down her face.

Kagami was the first to notice going staright to their captain's side trying to console her. Then came Hyuga followed by Teppei. They pulled her into a hug saying it was all okay, not to worry they would win the next year, but that just made her cry harder. She shook her head from side to side, trying to get the words out.

"You idiots!" She screamed at the top of her lungs. "My god, how foolish you are! What have you done?" She was now boarder line hysterics. "What do you mean?" Teppei said, looking at her.

"What have you done to Kuroko, you bastards? Why did you do that? Do you have any idea what you just did?" They shook their heads. The rest of the team came closer to listen to what their coach was saying. It scared them the way she was reacting. Everyone thought she was crying because they lost the game, not this.

She took deep breaths trying to control herself. Then in a low voice she said, "It's all my fault. I'm the one who made the mistake. I knew Kuroko wasn't ready. He was still recuperating, but he just kept looking at me with that face begging me to let him play. How could I say no?... I should have said no."

"What are you talking about, Riko-chan ?" Kagami asked. "That month that Kuroko didn't come to practice wasn't because he didn't want to, but because he couldn't. He was hospitalized that entire month, because he started having heart problems. It was an after effect of using his misdirection so many times in this season. His body wasn't ready for the overload Kuroko put it under, so then all of a sudden his body crashed in order for it to heal. He was in a coma for two weeks, and after that he was in rehab. Even so his doctors told him to take it easy, but he didn't. He kept trying to come to practice and putting his body under more pressure and stress.

After he told me this, I wasn't going to let him play in this game, but he kept insisting. He even told me that the doctors gave him the okay, but he still wasn't ready. His body has yet to completely recover. I know it hurt him, I saw him a couple times rubbing his chest but he told me he was okay. This is all my fault." She was still sobbing when she finished talking.

Kagami's face truned pale. "Oh god." He whispered.

"Why didn't you say anything?" Hyuga said as he ran his trembling hands through his hair.

"Kuroko asked me not to tell you guys since he didn't want to worry you." She whispered her energy leaving her, she was so tired. This had gone too far.

Kagami sat down with his head in his hands whispering "Oh god," over and over again. Then all of a sudden he sprang up and ran out of their bus into the stadium. He ran as fast as he could, pushing people out of his way, passing the Rakuzan team that was coming out the door and pushing through them. They were about to scream at him, but when they say his sorrow and panicked stricken face they stopped. Akashi was confused, not only did he see sorrow in Kagami, but also pain, anger, resentment, but most of all uncontrolled panic. Not five seconds after Kagami passed did they see the rest of the Seirin team running the same way Kagami went. They all had the same expression. Pure panic. A chill went down Akashi's back. This is not good, he thought before going after them.

Kagami was out of breath when he slammed into the locker room only to fall to his knees. His body was wrecked with sobs. It didn't take long for the team to get there. They were all breathless. Tears were streaming down their faces. Hyuga walked in only to punch a locker until his knuckles bleed. Teppei wasn't so good either.    

Akashi was surprised to see the entire Seirin team in such a shape. He saw Kagami on the floor, Hyuga punching a locker, Tepppei looking at a corner with his head on the wall. The team was in chaos, crying and muttering things he couldn't hear.

"What is going on here?" Akashi said his voice demanding an answer. His eyes racked the room from one side to the other looking for a specific bluenet. "Where is Tetsuya?" He asked with confusion.

"He's gone." Came the silent whisper. He didn't know who said it but in that moment, the entire Generation of Miracles, except Kuroko, felt a chill run down their backs.

Shadow's Might (Kuroko no Basket Fanfiction)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن