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Maleficent watched as Ben was talking to Mal at her locker. "Hey Mal, I have tourney practice in 2 hours. Want to come with, and watch?" He asked. Mal looked at him. "Oh, I wish I could, but I have a ton of homework, and a huge test tomorrow." She said. "Ok, see you later then." Ben said. "Ok." Said Mal. Maleficent smiled. Perfect.

Audrey came back into Mal and Evie's dorm. "Hey guys. Evie, have you been able to finish that skirt yet?" She asked. "Yep." Evie turned around to get the skirt. She let Audrey see it. She gasped. "It's beautiful! Thank you so much Evie! I can't wait to show Lonnie and Jane!" Evie laughed. "Yeah, just tell them to let me know if they want me to make them one each." Said Evie. Audrey smiled. "Yeah. Catch you guys later!"

Audrey ran back to her dorm. Jane was in there. "Jane! Look at the skirt that Evie made for me!" Jane gasped. "It's beautiful! What's her schedule like? Because I want one!" Suddenly, Lonnie came in. "Lonnie! I was just about to show you!" Audrey said. "Show me what?" Lonnie questioned. "This new skirt that Evie made for me!" Lonnie gasped. "It's beautiful!" Audrey and Jane looked at each other, then back at Lonnie. They said together: "That's what I said!" Lonnie started to run out of the room. Audrey stopped her. "Wait, where are you going?" She asked her. "To tell Evie that I also want one." Jane walked over. "I want one too!" They all laughed and ran to Mal and Evie's dorm.

The tourney coach blew the whistle. "Ok team! The Auradon Prep Fighting Knights tourney team has a new team captain! Now, this was voted on by all of you, so, it should be fair whoever it is. So, I expect you to all still show good sportsmanship." Chad yelled: "Just tell us who it is already!" The coach shot him a look. "Our new team captain is Jay!" The coach said. They all clapped for him. Carlos nudged him playfully. "Congrats man!" Carlos said. "Thanks Carlos. I love tourney. Just being out there on the field winning games is exhilarating!" He laughed. "Also, for me, it's fun." Jay said. Chad and Ben came over. Chad smiled. "Congrats Jay." Said Chad. "Thanks Chad. That actually means a lot coming from you." He smiled again. "You're welcome. Enjoy it while you can." He said, walking away. "Well, that was suspicious." Jay said. "Yeah." Ben looked at Jay. "Really, congratulations Jay. You deserve it. You've worked really hard for it." He said. "Thanks Ben." Jay said.

(After Tourney practice) Carlos and Jay started walking back to their dorm. "Hey Carlos, can you help me study for that huge test tomorrow?" Jay asked. "Sure." Carlos replied. Ben had just left, and was heading back, when he suddenly smelled something strange. He suddenly fell backwards, and in a few seconds, was out of sight. Some of the other players stated walking back. "Hey, wasn't Ben just here?" One asked. "Yeah. Either he can run from the field to the building in less than ten seconds, or someone kidnapped him." Another said. He laughed. "Don't be silly. You really think someone kidnapped him?" He said. "Yeah, that was a crazy thought."

To be continued.......
What do you think happened to Ben?

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