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I open the door to Joes and notice a group of men making noise and turn my head in their direction. There were 2 boys, one with light brown hair and the other with red hair. They were both screaming at the T.V that played a football game. A few people yelled at the guys to "shut up" and shortly after they sat on the sofa and became quiet. 

Then, I noticed Nikhil sitting on the sofa whispering something in the ear of a girl, that was on his lap, which made her giggle. She sounded so annoying, I mean I could hear her from here. 

My eyes drift to Nikhil's left and I see Rohan sitting beside him. Rohan was laughing and bumping fists with a girl sitting beside him. What is he doing here and most importantly, with Nikhil? Then, the waiter brings their order and they all jump in to eat. 

Friends. I wish I had some right now. I felt like a loner standing here. I had many back home, but they were friends, not really best friends. 

Rohan's head looks up and we make eye contact, I quickly look away. Oh god! I feel like such a creep, what if thinks I was looking the whole time? I mean, I was. But, I don't want him to think that. Hence, I make my way to the cashier and order a salad with pink lemonade. I pay using my debit card and grab my tray of food and murmur a quick, "thank you" to the lady.

I look around to find an empty table and make my way towards the corner. I sit down and take a sip of the lemonade. The taste of sweet raspberry lingers on my tongue making me release a pleased sigh. A tap on my shoulder startles me and I drop the lemonade that was in my hand and some spills on the person that just tapped me.

Embarrassment hits me as I lift my head up to say sorry. It was a girl, she was the one beside Rohan. I must admit a perfect beauty. Her hazel eyes caught your attention immediately, a slim nose and curly dark brown hair with light brown highlights. She gives a warm smile and shrugs her shoulders.

"Oh, don't worry, it's just a drop or two and it's my fault for scaring you like that.", she points out.

"Oh ok", I dryly reply.

Awkwardness fills around us before another smile finds its way back onto her lips and she starts giggling.

I raise an eyebrow and wonder what's so funny.

"I'm sorry, I just noticed I never told you why I'm here. I just expected you to move and sit with us", she enlightens. What does she mean by us and why do I have to move somewhere I wonder.

"I caught Rohan staring at you and when I kept asking he told me. Don't tell him! But I'm his best friend. I just knew he was feeling bad that you were sitting here alone. So, here I am.", she admits, while gesturing to herself.

Rohan thought about me. A warm feeling fills my body as I smile widely while twirling my fingers. He's a sweet guy. 

"Oh, by the way my name is Shraddha and I would love for you to join us", she convinces in a warm tone.

"Are you sure?", I say nervously, looking over at their table.


I get up and grab my tray. I follow Shraddha to the table and anxiety sets in. I hope no one feels awkward with me sitting with them. Shraddha seems like a nice girl and we might even become great friends.

We approach the table and all eyes are one me.

"This is Uh-", she scratches the back of her head and frowns. She doesn't know my name, I forgot to tell her. Well, this is awkward.

"My name is Arohi", I say with a smile looking over at the boys with the colored hair as they were right in front of me.

"Hey", they boys say together, the one with red hair softly raising his hand to wave at me.

"I am Titu." Hahaha. Titu? Its probably a nickname. 

"And I am Raj," the one with the brown hair said in a bored tone. I nod my head at them softly, feeling relieved as they at least don't hate me.

"Arohi, here come sit beside me", Rohan says, while scooting over to make room. I glance at Nikhil and the girl on his lap. They're busy with each other. She's whispering something in his ear and Nikhil's on his phone. Rude. It doesn't hurt to say hi.

Nikhil looks my way and glares. His stare makes me squirm and I quickly sit in between Shraddha and Rohan.

The girl on Nikhil's lap gets up to leave and plants a kiss on his cheek, while giggling.

"Bye babe, See you at the party tonight", she says in a seductive voice and flips her light brown hair before leaving.

"Bye babe, See you at the party tonight", Shraddha mimics and scrunches up her face. The boys and I start laughing along with Nikhil.

"Shut up, you're the one that always invites her to this god damn party every year", Shraddha says with irritation. I could almost see the jealousy in her eyes.


"Oh, this reminds me, Arohi you have to come to the party tonight at Nikhils place", Rohan says while facing his head over to Nikhil. I can't see Rohan's face because he's facing Nikhil. But, I glace at Nikhil and he's rolling his eyes and his lips mouthing fine.

"Hi, my name is Nikhil and you should come to my party. That's if mommy allows you.", Nikhil says in a mocking tone. I already know his name, why is he telling me again. Oh right! He never told me, I overheard. That doesn't make me a creep. What is up with these mommy jokes? I don't look like a naive school girl.

I don't know. Do I? 

I send him a glare "Well, all the enthusiasm makes me want to come now. But, don't worry, I will ask my mommy.", I reply in the same mocking tone. Raj and Titu start laughing and Shraddha joins in with the laughter.

"I have to go to the library and get some books for my next class, thanks for the invite.", I get up and I smile looking at everyone expect Nikhil, of course.

"Wait, give me your number, so I can text you the place and time", Shraddha requests getting up and handing over her phone. I nod and type my number in. That reminds me, I forgot to give Rohan his phone back. I inwardly smack my head with my hand.

I take out Rohan's phone and hand it to him.

"You forgot this in class", I smile.

"Oh, thank you so much. I can't believe I forgot my baby", He cries dramatically, while kissing the screen of his phone. I giggle at his comment and wave to everyone before exiting and surprisingly everyone waves back. On the other hand, Nikhil's on his phone. Rude. Again. 

The day goes by fast and my last class finishes. I make my way to the bus stand and climb into the bus, when my phone starts beeping. I got a message. I check for the name and it's Shraddha.

ItsyogirlShraddha: Heyyyy, It's me Shraddha. Remember the party is at 9:00 pm and don't worry about the address I am coming to pick you up with Raj. :D

Arohi101: Thank you so much and I'll be ready by then.

I smile looking out the window. Today, went by smoothly. I'm not too nervous about the party, I've been to one in high school. Though, I got drunk and slipped into the pool. So, I was drenched and had to leave. HE picked me up and helped me. HE always does. 

 But, I have a feeling this party would be better. Right?     

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