Smashing of Glass.

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The moment, I rang the doorbell. I was greeted by a bright smile given by my mom. I mean, how does she do it? Act so happy all the time. It's like time is frozen and she acts like the fight never happened.

I quickly get in and rub my hands together mildly.

"I made hot chocolate and I was thinking all of us should sit near the fireplace and talk just like the old times", she offers with excitement laced in her voice.

"I'm tired, I'm going to bed", I reply in monotone.

The silence that lied for a couple of moments breaks as I make my way up the stairs to my room.

Changing into my black shirt and black shorts, I lie down on my bed and close my eyes.

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I take a glance over my nightstand to look at my clock, its 11:00 pm and I can't fall asleep. I make my way downstairs and hear glass smashing across the surface.

I make my way towards the kitchen and hear urgent footsteps behind me.

With a quick turn, my eyes stop at a sight of a broken green beer bottle. I gasp at the scene, while a pair of cold eyes burn right through me.

"What's going on?", I manage to get out.

He smirks and laughs uncontrollably, "Oh, look who decided to come, applause everyone, here come closer I'll tell you a secret", he sneers.

I hesitate and move my feet forwards, ignoring the pain of the small pieces of glass under my foot leaking out blood as I walk closer.

He stumbles while snickering and wraps his arm along my shoulder. His eyebrows create wrinkles across his forehead and a frown is plastered across his face. Instantly, the air is sucked out of the room getting difficult to breathe.

The reek of alcohol is present in his breath as he....

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It was getting difficult to breathe, I was suffocating.

Until, a bright white light took place and my heavy eyelids were being opened. Taking in long and deep breaths, I see the white ceiling of my room.

Slowing getting up, I lift my back onto the backboard of my bed. It was just a nightmare I repeat to myself. I raised my right hand to wipe off the sweat from my forehead and wet tears that were present under my eyes.

I look over at my night stand, it's 7:00 am. Oh no! I'm going to be late on the first day of University.

I rolled the gray covers of the bed sheet off to enter my bathroom. I stood in front of the mirror to see dark circles under my chestnut eyes and my brunette hair sticking out in all directions. I turned on the tap and took a handful of water to splash on my face. The cool water drained the heat from my face relaxing me.

Grabbing my towel, I take a 10 minute bath and change into a pair of ripped dark blue skinny jeans and a white vintage top. And wrap my hair in a bun, while putting on a gold bracelet. I think I look presentable for my first day of university, there is no one to impress anyways.

Quickly, making my way downstairs. I see my mother chanting prayers in the mini temple.

She quickly comes out while yelling, "It's your first day of college beta, here take the blessing of god before you leave."

I take the blessings and make my way to the door, while putting on my black combat boots and grabbing my beige bag.

"Bye, Arohi. I love you", I hear my mother say before shutting the door.

I love you too.

I run to the bus stand and climb into the bus. Making my way to a seat near the window. I plug in my earphones and listen to the music on my phone.

Reaching my stop, I get out and look at the place I will be attending for 4 years, New York University. This is it, time to study and focus. I look around to see everyone attending with friends and family. I feel a ping of jealousy, but it disappears. I shake my head and rush my way to the first class of the day.

Historical Literature.

Increasing the speed of my footsteps, I bump into a hard chest....

Hey guys. WOW! 2 Updates in one day, only because of all your support. Thank you! Enjoy. Btw, who is the man with the hard chest?? xoxox-Bollywood Fanatic

PS. Click this link to view Arohi's outfit xoxo

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