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Sean's POV;

Doc Eva : Attention everyone! There's nothing else to see there! Thank you. This is your cafeteria. You will be fed four times a day which is breakfast, lunch, dinner and supper. The operation will start tomorrow and we'll call you randomly. You will share a room with three other people. Other than that, there's a signboard for the bathroom and other accommodations. But you will be followed around by at least one nurse. Just in case its your turn, at least we know where to find you. Okay! I think that's a lot of talking so, get in the queue and start eating! You've been given half an hour to eat. Enjoy!

While you and the squad were queueing for food, a girl approached you.

?? : Hey Sean. *wraps hand around Sean's arm*

Sean : *looks back*

?? : I miss you Sean.

Sean : Wha- omg.

?? : Yup. Its me.

Sean : Omg! *hugs her* Where were you? Its been so long.

?? : I was.. You know.. Doing what I love. Music. *smiles*

Sean : Why did you come back? I mean, you could go to the hospital where you were.

?? : I don't know.. I just miss everyone here. And maybe I could spend time with most of you since we're gonna be stuck together for weeks.

Sean : Right.

?? : So, I have something to tell you.

Sean : Okay.. Go on.

?? : We'll talk later. Lets get our food.

Sean : Oh okay.

-Later at the table

?? : Hey guys!

Tati : Omg! Jordyn?!

Jordyn : Yup! I missed you!

Tati : Omg me too!

Ken : Take a seat. Good to see you.

You : Yeah me too.

Jordyn : So..

Sean : Yeah?

Jordyn : I like you Sean.

Sean : Wha- Um. I don't know...

Jordyn : Its okay. I know you still cant move on from Bailey. I understand.

Sean : Im sorry Jordyn, I treat you like my sister. But I can try to work things out if you want.

Jordyn : Its okay, its up to you.

Sean : Mmhmm.

Doc Eva : Attention! Can I have Kenneth San Jose in my office right now? Thank you.

Ken : What.

You : Im going with you.

-Outside Doc Eva's office

Nurse #1 : Im sorry, the doctor wants to see Kenneth only. You have to wait outside.

You : Oh. Okay. I'll see you later. *hugs Ken*

Ken : I love you. *kisses you on the forehead*

Kenneth's POV;

*knock knock*

Doc : Come in!
Ken : Hi. You wanted to see me?
Doc : Ah yes! Kenneth! Please take a seat.
Ken : What is it about that you wanted to see me?
Doc : Oh! Its about your body immune.
Ken : Whats wrong with it?
Doc : You are different from the others. You have a strong immune.
Ken : Okay?
Doc : Your body will not be easily adapted to this new tissue that's going to be inserted. You will have a rough time. The effects are minor loss of memory, heavy breathing, quick heart beating, and on your first full moon, you will be chained.
Ken : Wait, why?
Doc : Because you will be hungry for human flesh. Which is so dangerous, that's why we have to chain you. The full moon is a week after the operation.
Ken : So is that good news or bad news?
Doc : Hm, a little bit of both. Good news is you'll be a great leader, the bad news is the effects after the operation. Its just for awhile. After the full moon, you'll already be adapted with your new body.
Ken : Oh okay.
Doc : We'll keep an eye on you. You may go now.
Ken : Thank you.

You : Whats that about?
Ken : She said that I'm different from the others.


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