Chapter 18: No Excuse

Start from the beginning

"Don't you dare compare Draco to his father. He is nothing like that man." I seethe, seeing Harry look at me shocked before Professor Snape comes over to me, grabbing my arm to lead me away. "Elena, I think you need to step away." he says calmly and I yank my arm away from him.

"No!" I hiss at him, causing more shock to ripple throughout the students and I turn back to Harry, ignoring Snape. I lift my hand up again and I see him flinch, but I point my finger in his face in a threatening manner.

"If you dare come close to Draco again, threaten him or even talk to him in a demeaning way and I hear about it..." I trail off, my fury almost blinding me to the point I could hardly think straight. " won't be Draco you'll call the Death Eater, if you think they enjoy torture. After I get through with you, you would've wished he was." I snap, his face paling at my threat before I backed away, my breathing uneven.

"They say you're the innocent one, but that can't be right. I'm pretty sure Draco's been the innocent one all this time, you're just so blinded by your ego and rivalry to see it." I say, seeing him open his mouth to say something before I cut him off. 

"You may call him a Death Eater, but honestly, you're the one who should be called that. Especially after a stunt like this." I hiss, spinning on my heel and marching out of the Great Hall, students getting out of my way as I walked by them. 

By the time I was getting close to the Hospital Wing again, my anger was slightly subdued, but hearing footsteps behind me I began to get riled up again, thinking it was Harry who was following me.

"Elena wait!" 

The voice of Hermione made me stop and turn around, seeing her stop before me and begin catching her breath. "Look Hermione, I don't want to talk, I just want to go see Draco." I say honestly and she shakes her head.

"I just wanted to see if you were okay. You were completely livid Elena, and you have a right to be. Harry was completely out of turn." she says and I force a smile. "I'm glad we agree." I say and she sighs. "Do you realize that you just threatened a student in front of half the staff here at Hogwarts?" she asks and my heart sinks slightly at the thought.

"I do. But honestly, right now I don't care. Harry should just leave him alone, Hermione." I say before I find tears coming to my eyes.

"I didn't mean to threaten him, I really didn't. I was just so mad...I hate feeling like this. I hate feeling like I lost someone I loved again. I couldn't deal with that Hermione, and the fact that Draco was so close to death really hit me." I whimper and she frowns, her shoulders sagging as she watches me and I wipe my eyes quickly, trying to get rid of the tears.

"Draco's going through so much this year already, and this is just adding to it. It's not what he needs, he doesn't deserve this. He's got so much stress and pain already without Harry's help." I sob and Hermione gives me a curious look before coming up to me and giving me a hug.

"What do you mean?" she asks but I shake my head. "Hermione I can't tell you anything. I made a promise to Draco and I'm not breaking that promise. But I will say that losing his father the way he did affected him so much. It's been awful for him ever since Lucius was arrested." I cry and she hugs me tight and I give her a hug back before I pull away, a serious look in my teary eyes.

"Hermione you have to swear to me that you won't tell Harry any of this. Anything I just said, you can't tell him, please. This will only egg him on to bother Draco and he doesn't need that right now, I don't need that. He needs to just let this whole thing die out. Please, promise me that you won't say a word to him about this." I beg her and she gives me a reassuring smile.

"I promise Elena. I won't say anything to him, other than the fact that he's done wrong. I've been trying to tell him this all year but he won't listen to me. Maybe your screaming match jarred him." she says hopefully and I let out a laugh before wiping my eyes one more time, clearing them of tears before I sighed.

"I'm going to go see Draco." I say lowly and she smiles at me, giving me an encouraging nod. "Go." she says and I nod, backing away from her slowly. "I meant what I said Hermione. I promise that Draco would never kill someone. He won't." I say and she nods her head before both of us turn and go our separate ways, my heart aching as I yearned to get to Draco.

I got the the Hospital Wing and flung the doors open, going inside to see Pansy Parkinson by Draco's bedside along with Crabbe and Goyle. The boys saw me and got up to leave, awkwardly passing me by before closing the door behind them. 

I sighed before getting on the opposite side of Pansy, who was giving me a small smile. "He will be okay." she says to me and I give her a grateful smile. "Thank you. I just still can't believe Harry would do it." I say and she lets out a long sigh.

"Honestly I can't either. I mean, we've never liked Harry, he thinks just because he's famous he can do whatever he likes, especially since he found out he was the supposed 'Chosen One'. But this...this just tops it. I didn't think he'd ever go to this level." she says and I murmur agreement.

"He's not as great as everyone thinks." I mutter, the level of loathing I had for Harry at the time doing the talking. "You know Elena, word travels fast." Pansy says, a certain level of amusement in her voice and I looked at her with a raised eyebrow. "Huh?" I ask and she breaks out in a smile.

"You slapped him in the face, didn't you?" she asks and I fight the smile from my face. "I didn't really mean to, it just happened. He was belittling Draco and I just wouldn't have it. I don't know what came over me to even yell in the middle of the Great Hall even." I say with a groan, hearing her laugh.

"I think he deserved it. Detention isn't good enough of a punishment, if you ask me. I believe Dumbledore is giving him special treatment because of his status." Pansy says sourly and I frown slightly, but deep inside I have a feeling she's correct. 

"Yeah." I say and she gets up from her chair, gives Draco's hand a squeeze again before looking at me with a smile. "You know Pansy, you're a wonderful friend." I say and she laughs. "He's an idiot sometimes, we have to watch out for him, don't we?" she teases and I nod my head in agreement.

"Goodnight Elena. Take care of him for me." she says and I give her a bright smile before she leaves, leaving me alone with Draco as the sun began to set outside. "You always say what am I doing to you..." I whisper to him, leaning forward and gently moving his hair away from his forehead, smiling down at him.

"But I should ask what are you doing to me?" 

Yay! Long chapter and I really really hope you like it!! Please let me know what you think about it below!

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