Fact #41: Fart Facts

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I know, I know, you might say this is immature, but I mean..c'mon...You know you wanna read it! ;)

These come from: Philippe_Haddon!

The top six 'farting' foods are: beans, corn, bell peppers, cauliflowers, cabbage and...MILKKKK!!!

AND, if you consistently fart for 6 years, and 9 months, enough fart gas is produced to create the energy of an ATOMIC BOMB!

I do have a lot of free time...


And I bet you know, but did you know we prefer the smell of our own farts more than other people's? Personally, my fart smells like rainbows!

Vote, comment and follow for more fart facts!

p.s. If you don't want to read all of them, you can skip to Fact #1, and then read through them all, if you like, which you will, because, duh, I wrote it.

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