Part Three - Her Tragedy

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The sun rises over the 20th ward and Sachi is up waiting for it. It's been a short while sincethat incident with Hideko at the nightclub and she has substantially dealt with her hunger pangs. Shuu has been conducting a master plan to coax in Kaneki Kendae once again and wants her to help execute it – not that she would actually be doing much. Her purpose is to be back up if Kirishima Toushi were to intervene. Shuu figured that Sachi would be better suited to fighting Toushi since they have the same kagune type and she would have the advantage on Toushi. Unlike the teen who was part of the anteiku organisation and had to wait around for food, Sachi didn't have a moral or instituational obligation to wait for people to die.

Sachi looks out of the window and waits for Shuu to wake up, he had recently sent her to Kami University for an open day and to say she could understand his infactuation with Kaneki Kendae would be an understatement. Her blood and body had such an expansive power that Sachi was almost certain that I could smell her from the second she walked through the gates. While at the open day, Sachi almost bumped into Hideko – the girl from the club. That would have been embarrassing.

The next day, Shuu had attended Kami University for the second time. This time it was for the sake of sake of finding Kaneki but to no avail – she could smell him just like he could her and was able to evade him. However he did mention that he noticed a very familiar ghoul; Nishiki had been wandering around. Passing as a human – a caffeine addicted university student. He's surviving too.

"I never really knew him but I know he needs someone in his life, I hope he's found what he needs. He didn't deserve to lose his sister. I'm glad the ass that ratted her out was murdered and I hope it was at Nishiki's hands," Sachi folds her arms as she looks out at the city slowly rising to life.

"Sachi! You awake?"

"I am indeed!" She calls to her only companion, since the night at the club Shuu had told her of the fate of their gluttonous friend Rize. She had died accidentaly and her blood had been used in a transfusion to help the surviving party in said accident - one Kaneki Kendae. To say that that had fuelled the American ghoul's fascination with Kaneki would be an understatement. Sachi longed to befriend the half ghoul that wandered through Kami University with Hideko the blonde from the club. Despite how awkward it would be to be friends with the girl who kept her from feeding on the sexually abusive perverse peepers that lurk in alleys. She would hate to look for a new hunting ground, especially since she would be practically destroyed if she were to wander outside the 20th Ward in search of food.

Sachi looks over to Shuu and smiles kindly. He was intending to get to Kaneki today. It would be today. Today the Gourmet would be feasting on Kaneki's flesh.

Sachi gets dressed out of her nightdress into something more appropriate in the eyes of Tsukiyama Shuu - a very Lolita esque outfit consisting on a skirt with a sewn in petticoat and a vest top. She puts on a leather jacket and shoes she can comfortably move, and more importantly, fight in, so she opted into school shoes she ordered from the USA, shiny black shoes with a strap across the foot.

"You look amazing! Beautiful! Elle est une belle, sympa!"

"You know you need to stop saying random sentences in French, Shuu. You're not always grammatically correct you know," Sachi remarks as she ties her hair up off her face to keep it out of the way - oh the things one has to consider when fighting with kagunes are concerned.

"Assuming that we don't get caught we'll be fine," Shuu declares.

"Funny, for a second I thought you may have been afraid for my sake, Shuu. Now, who is it that has evaded capture in two different continents? That's right! Moi!" the American tucks a black curl of hair behind her dark skin and poses theatrically.

"Now look who is using random words in French." Shuu sneers, jabbing his friend in the arm with his elbow. She frowns before laughing and taking Shuu's arm. To execute his plan they needed to find bait for Kaneki Kendae and Shuu had the perfect idea who to get. A girl from Kami called Kimi that was apparently an acquaintance of both Kaneki and Nishiki. Sad really, that she would have to take something from a Ghoul who was more like her than Shuu was. Typical that she would have to snatch a companion from a man that lost a sibling just as she had all those years ago.

Sachi sighs and crosses her fingers,before heading into the kitchen to make herself a mug of coffee. Shuu is already there. He smirks at her and winks. He's fast. He's always been fast paced in everything, for as long as she had known him.

Back when she was a child, Sachi had lived in America with her family. When she was small she had a mother, and a father, and an older brother. They all passed as human without an issue - her father was an administrator for a high paying company in New York and her mother was the manager of a deli that had been in her family for generations. They were a high standing black family. Maybe that's why they tried so hard to keep Sachi or as she was known back then, Samantha, safe. Her brother was devoted to her too - he was three years older and the light of her life; Percy.

When she was still young, Sachi's elementary school was broken into. It was beyond convenient that a family friend from Japan, Tsukiyama was visiting them when it happened. The criminal that broke in had a gun and demanded to take Sachi from her classroom to "have his way with her". She still blames herself, as much as she denies it, she does.

Sachi frowns as Shuu hands her a mug of black coffee. She sips it with a grimace, hating the thoughts in her head at that very second. And part of her hated Shuu for not noticing her discomfort. Sachi sighs, returning to the land of her memories.

She had always blamed herself for what happened after the shooter grabbed her from her seat. She cried out. She cried out for Percy to help her. And that's exactly what her brother did. He heard his sister's cries and fled the defences of his classroom in pursuit of the criminal that had her. He shouted after her and fought off dedicated teachers that breached the protective shields of their own classrooms in order to get to her. And he attacked the criminal, unafraid of the gun. He used his kagune. He murdered the man who had a gun pointed at Sachi. He used his kagune to kill him and told her to run, very much aware of the decision he had just made. Very much aware of the consequences. He sent her away and told her to escape via ventilation shaft. Which took her hours to do and by then it was too late. Percy was dead and she knew it.

It was Tsukiyama Shuu's father that found her running toward the family home and intercepted, telling her to go with them as he was going to take her to a safe place. That's when she heard the screams and cries and gunshots. Her home was being shot up; her pathetic cries had sentenced the entirety of her immediate family to death. And she was all that was left.

"We'll keep you safe now, Sachi,"

The American shudders, hating her moral human sense of empathy, in order to be inconspicuous, ghouls have to pass and therefore are secondarily socialised by the educational environment in the same manner that human kids are.Which she always regarded as a pain when ending the lives of humans. Shuu was slightly more isolated so never felt the exact same. Rize was even harder to relate to, her appetite ruled her mind and her heart - when she tasted blood she became a sadist. Or at least, that was how Rize had been. Most ghouls are taught in school and though that, they learn to feel empathy and learn to feel bonds of kinship.

And, for Sachi, empathy is the biggest tragedy.

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