Part Two - Her Solace

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"Hey there! I thought you would come out from the club!" A blonde girl with brown roots smiles, her bright expression like a summer afternoon. She's dressed like a party girl – slightly more conservative dress. Hers is some sort of synthetic looser leathery esque material. She wears a pair of knee high boots of a similar material, combined with a very relaxed looking jacket – it almost looks like menswear. It's some sort of yellow sleeved sports jacket with a grey middle. The girl continues to smile before slinging her arm around Sachi's shoulders.

The American ghoul bites the inside of her cheek, trying to keep herself restrained.

"Have you really had THAT much to drink? It's me, it's Hideko!"

Hideko? Sachi's brows furrow. The name doesn't ring a bell in the slightest. The blonde leans in closer to Sachi and whispers in her ear, "There's a man behind you, he's staring. He's been poking his nose around this club a lot. He's not a nice guy. C'mon, I'll take you home. What's your name?"

"S-sachi," The ghoul attempts to look afraid and hide her amazement about Hideko's act of bravery in order to establish some sort of rapport. Sachi grits her teeth and walks alongside the blonde girl.

"C'mon now Sachi-chan!" Hideko wraps Sachi's arm around her shoulder.

"What about you, Hideko?" she mutters.

"He won't follow you, to that perv' you're nothing special. Now, which direction do we go? Where do you live?"

"Er..." A dribble of cold sweat trickles down Sachi's cheek as she mulls over what to do, without losing composure. At this range the ghoul can smell everything. Hear everything – from the shallow breaths of the scared Hideko to the hammering heartbeat that pulses under her dress. With her nails piercing her palm, Sachi continues forward, refusing to use her kagune to attack the kind hearted girl who has offered to help. This Hideko girl does not deserve to die. She just doesn't.

"Oh come on now, Sachi-san!"

After a considerable amount of time, Sachi comes to the conclusion that she can tell Hideko where to take her. They wander toward the home she currently shares with the flamboyant Tsukiyama Shuu; though he is not a permanent resident of her apartment. 

The blonde girl keeps her word and delivers the provocatively dressed ghoul home before departing with a merry wave.

"Thank you Miss Hideko!" Sachi waves back to the blonde.

"Don't mention it!" With that, Sachi wanders inside with a slam the door, breathing heavily, stomach snarling with dissatisfaction at the lack of food in her system. The loud noise provokes a call from a different room.

"Sachi?" The purple haired ghoul sticks his head out from around the corner of the apartment. He's in the kitchen. That can't be good for the poor Kaneki Kendae that he was dining with., "Sachi are you home?"

"Yeah, yeah Shuu, I'm home!" I call. Shuu is covered in blood - his tacky white suit stained red with the blood of his victim.

That's when her nose is awakened - as if she had just used something to clear her nasal passage. That smel - salty like the ocean. Her eyes flutter closed as the American ghoul is enveloped by the aroma that is coming from where Shuu stands. Her eyes, upon flashing open reveal her true nature. Her iris crimson and her sclera's are onyx. Sachi enters the kitchen with haste.She glares at her companion before snatching the plate from his hands while he's still plating up a very succulent chunk of meat. How large was this Kaneki woman? This hunk of meat is gigantic. Sachi raises a brow, staring at her friend while scarfing the delicate and professional looking chunk of flesh unironically. Her loud chomping sounds make the purple haired man smile softly, despite the fact that Sachi is gobbling the contents of a plate that look like it could have been served in a five star restaurant. She demolishes the meat in seconds- red sauce that is either some form of tomato purée or the blood of the victim. A low grumble of satisfaction coming from her insides. After that, she should be able to last the night with just coffee.  

"It wasn't Kaneki-chan, if it were I wouldn't be sharing," Shuu declares taking the plate that Sachi had just cleaned before she could start licking it, "It was one of the scrappers - Madame A's Taro-chan."

"Let me get this straight," Sachi pauses and smirks at her friend; hunger sated,  the red sauce dripping from her chin and giving her a rather ghastly and intimidating appearance, "You're feeding me scrapper while you get to endulge yourself on Kaneki Kendae who just seems to smell better than that new Beyoncé perfume?"


"What happened to sharing is caring?"

"And what happened to 'No Shuu you can't use my new Beyoncé perfume'!" he counters with a sly smirk, "Kaneki Kendae will be mine, Sachi."

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