Part One - Her Hunger

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Uh yeahh... this is the first part of your short story girlies <3

... HAPPY EARLY CHRISTMAS! Expect more chapters will be up soon <3


Stretching out on the sofa, the girl scantily clad in leather glances at the clock. It's late now. Even for Shuu. She had been waiting at home for ages so she could go out in search of an easy meal, but she doubts she'll be able to do so now. Shuu had gone out to "dine" with that one eyed ghoul Kaneki Kendae today.

"Typical!" The girl complains, rolling around on the sofa, "He gets the luxury of something extravagant to eat while I get to feast upon people who might as well be dead!"

Sachi had always been more selective in her food, one must have standards. She respected her companion's nature and understood that Tsukiyama Shuu never eats any old human unless literally starving, and in a similar respect, Sachi would never go out to dine without knowing where she was going.

Rolling over again and sighing, Sachi looks back at the abstract clock in the apartment. She had drank so much coffee that any human would be unable to sleep for days, but she was still restless and longing for food. Usually indulging herself by eating the rapists that wait for girls to wander out of clubs in the dark alleys opposite, she was beyond aware that she may have to drift out of the 20th Ward to eat, and the thought of that was unpleasant and unappealing to the American.

If she misses the waves of girls that leave the club she won't be happy, because that means being spontaneous, something that she has always despised. That was actually the main reason that she used to clash with Rize. Because the Glutton is always hungry for more and will do what she wants to get to it; while she, and to some extent Shuu, are not eager to be spontaneous.

Sachi lets out another aggravated growl, her hungry stomach practically feeling as if its eating its lining for sustenance.

Hating going hungry is an understatement, especially with her minimal standards. It wasn't like she was dining with MM, though whenever she has dared to play up to Shuu's offers, she had eaten amazing food. Coffee isn't sating Sachi's hunger for flesh as much as the satisfaction of the squishing sound of her kagune delivering a substantial blow against a wrongdoer that will be punished. One has to be select.

With another glance at the abstract clock, Sachi groans out in exasperation, "Why am I wasting my time! It's not like I'm going to be all be gluttonous like Rize-san is!"

She pauses, noticing that she had said something about a woman who, to Sachi's knowledge, was mad at Shuu and ignoring the duo for one reason or another, "She hasn't been around for oh so long,"

Completely done with waiting Sachi opts to leave the modernised apartment in the 20th Ward and slinking into the back alley network, mask kept on hand in her. Boots splashing through shallow puddles, she continues to move briskly toward the nearest club. Sachi had always regarded the 20th Ward to be incredibly boring for hunting. Granted, the fact that Ghoulism originated here doesn't make hunting easy due to the strict territories, but regardless of that, the ghouls one encounters here are disturbing too. Some rowdy and rude characters lurk in this Ward, namely the critical ones that work in Anteiku café. That Yoshimura character has always looked at Sachi with sad eyes when she would order a coffee and chat but would never apply to work there.

'My parents didn't send me here to be cared for by Yoshimura. No, they wanted the Tsukiyama family to care for me. And care is what I have received.'

The club is near and Sachi can hear the music, she decides to make her presence known and darts out of the nearest alley opening and strides onto the street. Sachi's presence on the street all alone should draw in a perverse man, and it'll be his fault if he is hurt.

Sachi takes a deep breath and smirks, trying to push down her insane longing for meat as she struts down the street and leans against a wall near to the nightclub.

A shadowy distinctly male figure is approaching Sachi from the right, he's been in the alley. Not that she doesn't already know, she could smell him – his sweaty alcoholic odour from the alley for a while. She's waiting, focusing on him, assuming him to be her next prey.

"Hey there! I thought you would come out from the club!"

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