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Alright, this one is probably going to offend half of the pack population- but? I don't fucking care.

Here's a little fact for you all: Mates were a god damn joke.

Yeah, completely. It started as a joke people, wasn't anything more than a damn joke that people took WAY too fucking far.

I could write complete volumes on the entire fact that mates are a horrible fucking idea and should have never happened- even more so on the fact that it was a joke that everyone flipped out about like it was a serious thing. And guess what having a mate now is god damn close enough to be saying you're dating them. Dating someone over the internet, that you've never even fucking met before! Does that seem like a bright idea to you? How about you? Seems like a horrible fucking idea to me!

You have NO clue if who is on the other side is who they say they are. Yes, if you wanna fucking skype with them and know them like that- fine. Do as you fucking please. I can't stop anyone from doing it or thinking it will work out but here's a little idea- don't get hung up on the shit when it doesn't! Unless you have a sure fire way of going and meeting them and getting together with them for real, it probably wasn't going to work anyway.

It's dangerous. It hurts peoples feelings. It causes drama out the god damn ass, and it's not fucking worth it people!

Don't even get me started on those people that think Decoii and I are dating. -shakes head- That's just fucking ridiculous because here's a fun fact for you all- I live in Ohio! I can't legally be with her! I could be with a 19 year old, no problem. But she's going to be fucking 21, I know she's 20 right now. She's LEGALLY too old for me people. I am not dating her, and considering the fact that I don't believe in long distance relationships? Not to even go into the fact that she's ALREADY WITH SOMEONE. It's not going to happen people. I don't like her like that!

Oh, and then the 12 year olds dating the 16 year olds and shit on here. By the gods, how ridiculous can you people get?

Oh, and don't go shooting off about 'true love' and he or she's your 'one and only'. Bull fucking shit. Most people in the packs are between the ages of 10-22, you're not going to find your one and fucking in a fucking pack, over the fucking internet. -.- Could it happen? Sure. The chances that it's going to happen to you? Let's put it this way- you probably have more likelihood to get struck by lightning. Does it happen? Sure, no problem. But not in a few months. -.-

Am I bashing internet relationships? Slightly, yeah. I'll admit to it. Yet some of those CAN fucking work. I have not seen one fucking mating relationship work outside of the pack- EVER. Every single fucking mating pair that I've seen move their relationship into their real and personal life has failed. In that failure, it makes things fall apart and it causes a shit ton of drama.

Take that fucking drama and shove it up the llama's fucking ass, because I know I ain't the only one on wattpad getting sick of dealing with it!

Am I being insensitive? Completely. I'm not saying I won't help people, but I'm just calling people fucking morons for some of this shit done with mates. -.-

I am not speaking about all people. Some people might be able to find mates and have successful relationships- but that isn't the point of this site. Go on a dating site for that. All I'm saying is, it's 1. Dangerous. 2. Stupid. And 3. Desperate to be calling for mates on this site.

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