Alpha's Forcing Members to Bow?!

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I am NOT speaking about any specific Alpha. I do not care if you do this WILLINGLY. I'm calling out the Alpha's that FORCE their members to do this. If you are not them, you have no reason to get pissy- any comments getting pissy about this and taking it the wrong way, will be deleted.

Alright, here is something that I just can't fucking wrap my head around- and it pisses me off everytime I see it or when someone 'bows' to me.

Who THE FUCK do they think they have someone bow to them? Seriously?! They're just a kid on one hell of a power trip, very bluntly. Why the hell should anyone have to bow to them? I just don't understand it, I don't get it, and I don't like it. It's part of the ridiculousness that has been making want to completely disown anything dealing with packs- because it's that stupid.

Are they a leader of a pack? Sure, sure. Doesn't mean a damn thing. They're a leader of an ONLINE WOLF PACK, they don't even know what packs were originally meant to be. They're likely below the age of twenty, haven't done anything truly big with their life, and the worst part of it is? They likely think they deserve it.

Not once in my entire time of being an Alpha have I EVER asked ANYONE to bow to me. I don't imply it, I don't enforce it, and I don't even LET them do it. I ask them to not do it, because guess what?! I'm just another kid on the other side of the fucking computer screen and what else?

-knock, knock- I AM NOTHING SPECIAL.

No Alpha is. No Alpha needs such respect to be thrown at them. Do we need respect? Hell fucking yeah, but we need the exact same respect you give everyone else. We don't need anymore than that because we're normal people too- we're just sitting there making sure the animals don't get out of control.

I hate it when I see this shit. Just...stop it. Realize what the fuck you're doing and just stop. They're nothing special. We're human-beings. If you were to bow to them in person, people would be claiming you're a cult or crack-pots. It's frankly ridiculous.

And just because this stuff frustrates me so much- this is the second rant that I've done on this. Here's the original rant- the one that wasn't posted on wattpad but rather my pack's site. I'll even leave the link at the bottom so you could see it if you wanted to take the time to type it out.

"Dang, I feel bad for posting two rants in a row but I need to get this out without 'upsetting' other Alpha's. This rant? Is about Alpha's of other packs, and if they stalk our RP site to find this? Fuck them. It's my business on the CMP website.

Biggest complaint ever that I've been seeing more and more common recently? Alphas demanding that pack members bow to them. What the blood fuck is that?! Bowing down to your god damn Alpha?! I understand if you're roleplaying. That is completely and utterly fake. How someone acts in roleplay probably isn't how they'll act in person or how they'll lead something personally. I mean honestly, I could be a complete dick in RP but still be the same guy I am right now.

The problem I have? When they demand it outside roleplay. I see it on freaking Wattpad constantly and that's honestly starting to piss me off. They're not big shots. They're not anything special just because you run a pack on wattpad. Can it help with confidence? Yes. However, you don't mean shit in the real world if you're an Alpha on wattpad- and I've had people act like they were to me. They may be something in real life, and good for them- but seriously doubt it when they're 13, 14. Just saying.

Honestly, if someone asking or telling someone that it's respectful to bow to an Alpha, they're just fucked up. If they want a bow? They can fucking earn it. I don't even accept 'bowing' to me, it's just weird. I dislike it as much as I dislike being called Alpha. Want to know why? Because I realize something that they can't seem too- I am a human fucking being. I'm not some all-powerful asshole that everyone has to obey. In fact, I encourage people to challenge me- I love debating but I fucking hate arguing.

That's another thing that pisses me off. These Alpha's take shit way too personally and they're way too much into the business of a pack that ain't even their own. It's honestly like "Take two steps back and quit fucking trying to change this pack. Especially in fucking public, because I will publicly make you 1. Look stupid, 2. Feel stupid, or 3. Look like a Jackass!" I will too, because they have no business even caring about our rules because they don't have to deal with them.

Now, some of you might notice this stems from a recent 'argument' I had- but no. This has happened multiple time before and it's nothing but a pain in the fucking ass. Then, I sit down and write out an explanation and no matter what- and this never fails, I'm arguing.

This happens with everyone! Let me tell you how I define arguing: Arguing is a hostile form of disagreement between two or more parties. That's how I see it. However, what I do is debate. The difference? It's not hostile, I'm not being disrespectful. Honestly, if people think I'm arguing, they are taking it too damn personally. Think of it this way, I look at things in a detached manner in most cases. If I say something you don't like, it's because I'm looking at it a light where I feel as if it's for the best and I'm not looking at it personally. -sighs-

I need to wrap this up. I've already got off topic. -shakes head-"

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STOP! If you're going to make a rude comment, refer yourself back up to the top before you do and think about if I'll actually leave it up and comment on it.

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