Chapter Seventeen

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Draco visited Harry three more times that day and three more the next. Every time he saw him and was allowed to hold the child again, but this last time Harry did not come out of his nest. Draco waited for quite some time, busying himself with building the fire again. But Harry did not emerge. When he left to complain to Snape, the older man - still practically giggling! - reasoned that Harry was just not up for visitors. Kicking the wall on his way out, Draco stalked to his study and stared at the papers on his desk. His only true amusement for the past two days was raising the wards and hearing the painful cries of the media spies. Obviously they had not anticipated the Burning Nettles spell.

He knew he was being childish, but he wanted Harry to come out of that bloody room and talk to him. Perhaps massage his neck like he often did. Draco turned his glare to the fireplace. Ridiculous, of course, now that Harry was preoccupied but, nevertheless, Draco wanted Harry to come sit on his lap and tell him something about the inanities of his friends so that he could laugh and make snide and clever remarks. Then Harry would get offended and Draco could have the pleasure of seducing him out of his snit.

Flinging his head back to rest on the chair, Draco stared up at the ceiling. He'd had to turn the annoying Weasel and his slag away at the door, which was a bit of fun as well today. Unfortunately, they weren't all that miffed, knowing that Harry was still in seclusion. And to top it off, that ponce, Logan, showed up and sequestered Severus away for nearly an hour. And Draco knew that was another thing that had the Potions Master in such a good mood. That and the baby had his eye colour. Draco wondered if it would change like all babies' eyes change. He wasn't sure if he wanted them to or not. Although, explaining why the baby had Snape's eyes to his father was not something he wanted to think about.

His father had not let up. This morning he had even demanded that he see his grandchild. Draco had had to actually argue with his father, which, he was ashamed to admit, left him feeling a bit sick to his stomach. Draco counted the days until he could face his father on the same level and not feel a bit intimidated. He couldn't afford to lose his father's support and backing at this time. All that he had worked to build could be destroyed by a few choice words from Lucius Malfoy, leaving Draco and his family in a rough spot. Draco did not like being in a rough spot, and yet the gilded cage his father wanted him to stay in was quickly becoming suffocating. Draco wondered if he would do the same with his own child.

A door opened upstairs and he prepared to deal with the joyous Snape. Stupid codger. But Snape did not appear. Frowning, Draco stood from his chair and wandered out into the entry hall to the base of the stairs.

Harry was out.

Draco knew that immediately and quickly climbed the steps. The den door was slightly opened and a green eye gazed out.

"Harry, are you alright? Is the baby alright?" Draco asked quickly when he got to the door. Harry stepped back and allowed Draco to enter. Harry was dressed in the blue sweater of Draco's, which hung to the brunette's knees, and nothing else. The baby was wrapped in a scarf and held tightly to Harry's chest. "Did you need anything?"

"I'm okay," Harry said softly. Draco blinked at the first words his husband had uttered in three days. "I wanted to see you. And I think it's time I had a shower."

Draco grinned. "Feeling a bit more human, are you?"

Harry blushed and ducked his head. "Yeah, you twit. You try doing what I just did and we'll talk about feeling human, right?"

Draco stepped closer and took hold of his husband's face, drawing it up for a sweet kiss. "Thank you, pet. Thank you for giving us a daughter."

Harry smiled. "You are very lucky that you didn't say giving you a daughter. I'd have bashed you good."

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