"Naddy, it's not your fault. It's all my twin's" She replied making my tears pause and raise my head to meet her eyes

"What do you mean?" I ask in confusion, fucking shit what's happening with my life?

"We should not usap here, let's punta to the cafe" She suggested as she held my hand and pulled me towards the cafe

When we went in she excuse herself to go inside the owner's office as I sat on the comfortable chair located at the side

She went out with the owner following behind her. She march towards me and gave me a smile

"Ladies and gentlemen, the cafe will be closing for 1 hour for some serious business. Please start packing your things and go out, this business is urgent" The owner stated making the people send him death glares

The teenagers even gave him the dirty finger before they went out. When the cafe was clear from the people, except us, the owner gave us a smile and went out with the staff. Leaving us alone inside the cafe

"I guess 1 hour is enough to explain everything right?" Yassi stated making me nod, she sigh and sat on the chair across me

"My family and your family are one of the closest business partners known in the business world. The story begins when my mom gave birth to a healthy female twins. The eldest was called Yassi while the youngest was called Yuri" She started making me nod gesturing her to continue

"And because of the close bond both families shared, the Lustre family ask for the hand of the eldest daughter of Mr&Mrs.Pressman, which is my twin sister, to marry their only son"

"Dominique" I mumbled, she nodded

"The three of us, my twin, I and you were so close our parents can't even remove us from the same room" She said with a chuckle

"Everything was perfect, until one day I heard my mom crying and told us you guys were in a car crash and Dominique was well, lost" She continued

"When we visited you in the hospital, you were in a coma. Yassi and I were crying but my twin was more depress because the both of you were closer back then"

"Please continue"

"Because the deal was cut off, my mom ask my sister if she wants to go abroad with her and of course being in a state of depression she agreed. She wants me to be with her their but I stayed with my dad, she got mad on my decision but understood when I explained her my reasons"

"When she arrived in America, that's the time you woke up. I was the one with you that time, and the only word that went out of your mouth was my sister's name, Yassi"

"Of course being the naive little girl, I told you my name was Yuri but then you started screaming and yelling about the pain in your head. The doctors immidietly went in and check your state but they were having a hard time cause you were kicking and slapping them so they injected you something to be drifted on a deep sleep"

My lips were trembling from the new revelations that I have heard

"The doctor told your parents that if you'll experience that kind of pain again you will die" My hands were shaking too but it stop when Ya- Yuri held my hand

"The doctor said you have experience this kind of amnesia, an amnesia that they haven't figured out if it's permanent or not"

"So your parents played the safe game, they use me to help you gain your strength again. They did not banggit any memorya about Dominique and Yassi cause they were scared if your head will throb again"

"You and I got closer each day and I mentally forgot that my twin was watching us from afar, hatred present in her heart" She said, sadness is visible on her tone

"Because of that, hindi siya bumalik dito for 11 years. After our graduation she showed up, and I was surprise and thought 'Is she galit pa?'. On that night she went inside my room and confronted me about how angry she was for stealing you from her. I told her she's my friend too but she started yelling at me and told me she was the real Yassi but I defended myself and told her I was the one with you through the good and bad years you've been through"

"She spat abusive words that broke my heart. I was guilty alright, I was guilty about using her identity and that's her alas, my guilt. So she told me we're going to switch places, I will be in America and she will be well with you"

"Why didn't you defend yourself?" I ask but she just sigh and gave me a sad smile

"Cause I can't help you seeing me as Yassi Pressman and not Yuri. I want to tell I'm not Yassi but I was scared maybe your pain will return. So I did the best thing my guilt told me, accept the offer of my twin sister" I made a soft gasp as her eyes started to shatter

"While I was in America, I was thinking about you all the time. 'How is my bestfriend?' 'Is Naddy doing well?' Those were the words that kept running in my mind"

"So everything was a lie?" I ask silently, she gave me a warm smile

"Our friendship wasn't" My tears started to boil up and I was about to hug her but then an elegant voice butted in our conversation

"Then it's time for you to know the truth"

We turn our gaze on the person and saw Coleen Garcia crossing her arms while standing infront of us

Boring ba? Sorry :( My mind has a fucking crazy fantasy world and if your hating it I would like to apologize na 😂 Back to school na exams na naman hahay nakakapagod :( Abangan ang next chapter! :)

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