50 - Silver Linings

Start from the beginning

And a promise that was made would go unbroken

I knew love when it was more than just a word

I knew a time when hope was all you needed

And if you cared you found a way to make things work

When life was what two people shared together

Oh, I knew love when it was more than just a word

I knew love when I could still believe

It was the greatest power in the world

I knew love when it was more than just a word

I knew hearts when they made it all so easy

And sad goodbyes were seldom ever heard

When I wouldn't have to read this note that says you're leaving

I knew love when it was more than just a word

I knew love when I could still believe

It was the greatest power in the world

I knew love when it was more than just a word

I knew love when it was more than just a word

During a short break Rick was distracted by a phone call and went outside to take it while I talked to Mick about an idea I had for another arrangement.

"Cara? You got a minute?" Rick had come back into the room with a huge smile on his face.

"Sure Rick, what's up?"

"Actually," he cleared his throat loudly, looking around the studio, "Maybe everyone would like to hear this." Musicians and back up singers stopped their conversations and turned to him, curiosity piqued. Rick looked at me. "Cara, you've been invited to sing at the Brit Awards next month." There was a general hubbub of excitement and I found a wide grin on my face. "That's not all," Rick continued.

"Oh God, they don't want me to present as well, do they? Don't they know what a klutz I am? I would probably trip over on the way to the podium then drop the award on someone's toe."

"And talk their legs off while you were at the mic," Marcus added cheekily, making us all laugh. I agreed with him.

"No, it's not presenting." Rick's smile was even wider. Mick gasped and I glanced at him, wondering what could be going on.

"What is it?" I asked.

"You've been nominated for Brit Breakthrough Act," he said. I just stared, sure I'd heard him wrong.

"Wh-what?" Suddenly I had a multitude of arms flung around me as everybody hugged and congratulated me. I stood there stunned and bemused while Marcus jumped with glee and Mick high-fived Rick and Jake.

"Cara, that's fantastic!" Mick enthused.

"Fabulous, hon," Marcus kissed me on the cheek and gave me a huge smile.

"That's terrific, Cara, you deserve it," Jake said as he hugged me.

My head spun amongst the celebratory chatter all around, when suddenly a terrible thought occurred to me. "Oh God."

"What is it?" "What's wrong?"

"I can't win," I uttered.

"Why on earth not?" Mick looked amused.

I looked at them all, wondering why no one had made the connection yet; I would have expected Jake, Marcus or Rick to have worked it out. "Because," I said slowly, "I'd have to make a speech."


"Darling, I am so incredibly proud of you."

"Thank you."

"I wish I were there in person to congratulate you."

"Then get your sorry arse home, Cumbers, I miss it – I mean you." I grinned as he laughed. "I'm not joking, Smaugbatch, I miss that gorgeous bum of yours."

"I know you do, my kooky queen, I miss yours too."

"And I thought you were a legs man," I teased. "Not that there's much of my legs – unlike some people I know with legs up to their chins." He laughed again and I sighed, missing him.

"They are beautiful legs though – when I get home I'll show you just how much I love them. Now, when are the Brit Awards?"

"February nineteenth. Please say you'll be back by then or I'll have to find another tall, handsome date." Nonno would be available, I guess. I switched my phone to my other hand as I looked out my window at the deluge outside; it had been raining buckets for almost twenty-four hours and showed no sign of easing. Raindrops chased each other at breakneck speed down the pane.

I could hear him clicking keys on his laptop, obviously checking his schedule. "You're in luck, wench, I fly in on the afternoon of the nineteenth."

"That's called flying by the seat of your pants, Cumbers."

"It certainly is, darling, but I'll be there for your big night; I wouldn't miss it for the world." I heard noise in the background so wasn't surprised at his next words. "Karon's here, sweetheart, I have to go."

"Okay. Call me tomorrow?"

"I will. I miss you darling and I love you, to the moon and back."

"Well now you're just showing off your lack of knowledge of astronomy, Sherlock; there's a whole galaxy out there I love you to."

His rich laughter filled my ears and warmed my heart.

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