[16] Panic.

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Felix woke up to the sound of nature. A gentle but cold breeze swooshing by evergreens, random creatures making tiny distant noises, cracks of sticks as they burnt in the camp fire...

He could smell flowers.

His eyes opened to the blue tent's roof. It almost glowed because of the pale light piercing it. He felt something tickle his ear and so he reached up only to feel something incredibly soft and tiny. Patting the surface of his head, he realized that multiple flowers were pinned in his hair.

"Don't touch anything."

Vancouver was towering above him, sitting on his knees, propped on a long arm. His other one was stretched over Felix to reach for a pile of flowers, a variegated mess.

Felix's breath caught, eyes starting to clear up. Everything was so quiet, but at the same time overloaded by nature's whispers. He was afraid to say anything in fear of breaking the dream-like atmosphere.


"Last night..." he whispered.

A long, thin marigold tickled his scalp. Felix observed his cousin's light, distant eyes, focused on nothing since what he was doing wasn't a difficult, calculated task. It was as if for the first time since he met Vancouver, his eyes weren't peeking at surrounding architecture, weren't guessing materials, weren't thinking of the dozen sketches he had due the following day.

"Yes?" he whispered.

Ever since he woke up, the man had yet to look Felix in the eyes. He must've been expecting Felix to panic over last night's events, which... was very much the case.

"I was drunk... and... felt like I could face everything to come our way, but... now I'm not so sure."

Vancouver's eyes only got lighter, a tad amused. "Well, it'll be a long time before Romania runs out of alcohol. It's rather fond of it innit?"

Felix laughed involuntarily. It died when Vancouver's arm stretched right across his belly, reaching for another flower. He fidgeted around, trying to move the weight off his sensitive hipbones.

"It's just... even now, what if someone comes in?"

"No one woke up, but when they do, the mushrooms I put on the fire will distract them."

Felix took a sniff. "Mmm... Did you put cheddar cheese on top?"


Felix grinned, blinking up, and then sighed, some of the tension leaving his chest.

"Listen..." he fidgeted with his coat, unbuttoning since it was uncomfortable. "I know I'm contradicting myself, but... whenever I'm in doubt and want to... cower away, just... don't let me. Promise? I really feel for you, but I might get overwhelmed at times."

Vancouver paused his actions, ironweed still in hand. He cocked his head, sharp jaw catching the light just right, and poked Felix's nose with the intensely violet flower.

"That's a silly thing to ask of me."

"How so?"

"It's like requiring that I keep breathing, for your sake." he glanced around. "Doesn't that sound silly to you?"

Felix felt his previously freezing face heat right up. "Don't say that..."

Vancouver scoffed, placing the ironweed behind Felix's ear. "Ah..." his eyebrows inched lower, the light in his eyes dimming. "Speaking of which... Did you catch what I told you last night? Right as you were falling asleep?"

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