[11] Sick.

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Felix went down the last few steps of the building of Medicine, surrounded by his group of friends. They were talking about something they just learned in workshop, but Felix was busy looking around the yard for Vancouver. Since they lived so close, he thought they might as well go home together.

"By the wise tree." he heard Weissmann's voice close to his ear.

Wise tree was what the students called the enormous tree in the center, what with it being so old, having 'seen' so much.

Felix blinked at him, dumbfounded, and looked that way to see Vancouver lean on the trunk smoking a cigarette. He scoffed. "What makes you think I was..."

Weissmann patted him on the shoulder twice and walked ahead, the others subconsciously quickening their pace merely because he did. No, no one in the group had a certain title or anything, but Weissmann's attitude gave off the feeling leadership.

Felix was left behind, looking at them from afar the way many other students were. He felt excluded just then, part of the awed crowd and no longer the group awed at.

Chewing on his lower lip, he could only hope that befriending Vancouver wouldn't have that much of an influence on his social status.

He moved his gaze on the man to see him stare back expectantly, a small smile on his lips as he ran a hand through his stylish hair. The longer strands, at the middle, were sideways that day instead of backwards. Next to his choice of colors for the day, dark, he was nearing punk.

Felix offered a small wave and took just two steps his way before his elbow got hooked on another, sending him in a 180 spin. He stumbled after Otilia towards the gate, unable to pull away in fear of offending her.

"Um! Actually I was going to-"

"Good day to you too, Felix." she chirped while playing with the bow at her neck, of color red, Law. She looked as lovely in her uniform as she would in her dresses. It consisted of overalls made of a sleek black material, the pants short, and stockings. It had white long sleeves and collar, make of dress shirt material. The coat was similar to the males' but longer and far tighter around the waist.

"Yes, right, pardon my rudeness. I hope your day is well." Felix kept glancing behind only to see Vancouver frown knowingly. He'd promised him companionship and support and yet, currently, his back was turned to the man. "But really, I meant to go home with Vancouver."

The girl stopped, turned around and pressed both palms on his chest to glue him to the stone wall edging the Uni complex yard. Felix helplessly darted another glance over her shoulder at Vancouver, only for her to block his view once she got on her toes and brought their lips together.

He puffed through his nose and bowed his head after the girl's hands that held his jaw. Her lips were warm and sleek, and despite their softness were rather daring, stealing smooch after smooch.

Once she pulled away and planted the heels of her knee boots to the ground, Felix gulped dryly and looked at her with his eyebrows knitted, expressing his utmost confusion.

"I was just making sure of something." she touched her lower lip with the tip of her long nail and smiled. "Now..."

Otilia took his hand in hers and pulled at him. Not even wanting to see Vancouver's expression, Felix kept his head low and followed her out of the yard and down the sidewalk.

Once he got back to his senses, he tried to place both hands in his pockets but Otilia only tightened her grip on the left one. Her warmth felt nice against the Autumn, and so Felix let her be.

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