I'm Sorry

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Spot woke to the bright sun peeking through his bedroom window. He was laying on his bed with a blanket over him and Livy was asleep at his side. She looked tired and beat; there was dirt on her face and her hair was rigid and messy as if she hadn't slept in days. Spot tried to push himself out of bed, but he winced in pain which instantly woke Livy.

"Oh thank God you'se awake! I was so worried," she hugged Spot making him yelp with pain.

"Oh! I'm terribly sorry Spot. What was I thinkin? I'm so stupid your arm wouldn't have healed yet."

Spot looked around in confusion, "what happened? How'd I get heah? You'se was being carried off by da Delancy's. I don't underst--"

Livy put her finger to his lips, "sshhh," she said in a soothing voice. "Dey soaked ya real good and it's all my fault. Your newsies heard da commotion, and ya screaming my name, they rushed right inta action as soon as ya pased out. They fought valiantly and rescued us from my bruddahs."

Spot's eyes widened with fear, "do dey know you'se related ta da--"

Livy brushed Spot's hair back from his face and rubbed his cheek gently instantly calming him.

"Ya dey know. At foist dey didn't know how ta react. Dey wanted ta kill my bruddahs and kick me ta da curb, but dey changed dere minds once dey saw me rush ova ta ya and cry ova you."

Livy began to cry, but Spot reached for her hand that was laying on his cheek. "I forgive ya Livy, and I can't die dat easily."

Livy gasped from surprise, "but I thought you'se unconscious when I--" She quickly looked away as her cheeks began to redden.

"Hey," Spot squeezed her hand reassuringly, "no one can kill da notorious Spot Conlon dat easily."

Spot could see a smile creep onto her face, "well I know ya safe with me, but I'm curious ta find out what happened ta ya bruddahs."

"The newsies beat dem real badm which I'm fine with, and dey said if dey eva came back fo me dey'd wouldn't be 'as friendly'."

Livy sat there in silence for a few minutes with Spot's hand still in hers, "I punched dem, my bruddahs, I punched dem real hard in da nose fo hoiting ya."

Spot chuckled trying to imagine Livy punching the Delancy's hard in the face. He smiled at that thought and found himself asking, "did ya make 'em bleed?"

This time Livy laughed, "yeah, I punched Oscar so hard dat I think I might have broken his nose." Spot and Livy bust out laughing from this.

"How'd I get home? How long have I been out fo?"

Livy looked into Spot's eyes. He never noticed it before, but she had green emerald eyes that shimmered in the sunlight.

"We carried ya back heah and I took care of you everyday till ya betta. Ya lost some blood and I had ta give ya some stitches to your head. Ya also have a broken arm and bruised ribs, but with a few weeks rest it should be fine. I made suah ta change ya bandages twice a day and get plenty a food and water in ya. Ya been sleepin fo three days now."

Spot shot up from bed even though his body was protesting, "three days! Livy ya job."

She looked at him with sympathetic eyes, "don't worry Spot we'll manage."

"No, I've been gone fo too long. I need ta go back ta woik right now.

He tried to get out of bed, but Livy put a hand on his chest and pushed him back down.


Spot looked to Livy for understanding, but she wasn't giving in.



This time Spot got angry, "DO YA KNOW WHO I AM? I'M SPOT CONLON! NO ONE SAYS NO TA ME."

Livy gently brushed Spot on the cheek again which calmed him down once more. How does she do that? He wondered.

Livy smiled and gently said, "I just did." With that she turned away from him looking sad and upset.

Spot could tell something was wrong, "What, what is it?"

"Spot when ya fully healed I'm leavin Brooklyn. I can't risk my bruddahs comin back and hoiting ya again." Tears flowed from her eyes, "they could have killed ya and if dey did I-I don't think I could eva forgive myself."

Spot managed to push himself up in a sitting position, "hey listen ta me. Dey wouldn't dare come back heah again if dey value dier lifes." He spoke in a stern voice, "Livy I almost lost ya once I ain't losin ya again. We'se a family now and dat includes you."

There was a frequent flow of tears falling from her face now. "Spot," she pleaded.


He grabbed Livy's waist pulling her close to himself so there was little room in between their bodies. Spot smashed his lips on hers kissing her passionately. Livy was in shock, but she finally let him in by putting one arm on his good shoulder and with the other she caressed his cheek. She deepened the kiss forgetting the thought of ever leaving him. Her touch made Spot feel cool and calm. It is as if all the pain he had felt vanished into thin air. When they finally pulled apart from the kiss Spot's nose was only mere inches from hers and he could feel her breath on him as she breathed.

"Livy, promise you'se won't leave."

"I promise I won't leave Brooklyn, but now I need ta find my own place. It isn't proper for a lady to live in the same place with the man she's dating. Besides I think da otha guys are getting uncomfortable having ta act like gentlemen twenty-fo seven."

Spot laughed, "I guess I can respect dat, but promise dat you'll come visit me every day."

Livy smiled, "every day, I promise."

Epilogue coming soon along with the sequel.

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