Nightmares and Magical Memories

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When they got back to the lodge Spot let Livy get ready for bed while he went outside and smoked a drag. When he was done he went upstairs and found her asleep in the bottom bunk. "I's guess I ain't eva gettin my bed back," he thought to himself, but he didn't really care as long as Livy was there with him. He climbed to the top bunk and closed his eyes and instantly fell asleep.

Spot woke to the screams of Livy. "No no please! Stop it Ozzy and Mouse, please don't hoit me." He jumped out of the bunk and found Livy thrashing in her sleep. Spot shook her till she was awake, "Livy? Livy! Wake up it's just a dream. No one's gonna hoit ya heah." She opened her fearful eyes, but quickly relaxed once she saw that it was just Spot. She began crying into his shoulder and Spot held her tight stroking her hair. She was still crying into him when she finally spoke, "it felt so real I coulda sworn they'se were heah. They'se was beatin me fo's leavin dem. I was so scared. I don't eva want ta go back, please don't make me go hack Spot." Spot kept stroking her hair and there were tears forming in his eyes, but he made sure that Livy couldn't see him cry. "It's okay Livy, you'se ok now. I'll neva make ya leave and no one will eva hoit you'se again. I promise." When they parted and Spot knew Livy would be okay he began to climb on to the top of the bunks, but he heard Livy speak softly to him almost like a whisper. "Spot please stay with me. I'm scared." Spot looked back at her and smiled, "of course Lady Livy, I'll always be dere for you'se wheneva you'se need me." Livy scooted over so Spot could climb into bed with her and he obediently did. Spot began stroking Livy's hair again, "lie down Livy, I'll watch ova you'se tanight." Her eyes began to droop heavily, and he knew by her even breaths she had finally fallen back to sleep. She slightly shifted in her sleep and wrapped her arms around his waist. At that moment Spot knew that this was the girl he would marry one day, even if she didn't know it yet herself.

The next morning Spot could hear a bunch of whispers and giggles in his room. "Do you'se tink they slept like dat all night?" One voice asked. "I's don't know, but I bettcha she's his goil now," the other voice answered. A few other younger voices began giggling. "I's hope dey wake up soon or we'se gonna be late ta buy papes," another voice said. Finally Spot realized that some of his newsies had caught him with Livy sleeping in the same bed. His eyes opened flared with anger, but he simply whispered, "if you'se wake her up I'll soak you'se all. Now GET OUT!" The seven little newsies fled from his room with fear. When they were all gone he could hear Livy giggling, "I's dought dey'd neva leave," she said. "You'se been awake dis whole time and neva said anyting?" Livy had a small frown on her face, "I's didn't wanna wake ya up. I's sorry, are you'se mad at me?" Spot kissed her forhead, "Neva. I um betta get ready fo work, I's don't wanna be late." Livy quickly unwrapped her arms that had managed to get around Spot's waist when she had fallen back to sleep last night, and got out of bed. "Of course, I'll go and fix breakfast fo all da boys downstairs. I'll see ya latar." Spot didn't want her to leave, but he felt like he had no choice. "Now is not the time to confess your true feelings for her," he thought to himself.

Spot was in such a great mood that day that he was able to finish his selling by midday, so he made his way back to the lodge for some down time. He knew that he would be the first one back and would have a few hours to himself. However, when he walked in he found Livy sleeping on one of the couches. Spot looked around the wreck room and found that it had been swept and mopped. He then walked into the boys dormitory and noticed Livy had swept and mopped in there too, as well as clean clothes had been laid out for each one of the boys on their proper bunks. Spot then smelled something from the kitchen and went in there next and noticed she had made soup for tonight's dinner. He took a bowl for himself for lunch and it was a delicious vegetable soup. He smiled to himself and thought, "she suah is an amazin goil, and I don't know how she was able to do all of this. It's almost impossible to watch out for all these boys myself let alone pick up after them. Yet, she does it gracefully and never complains one bit." Spot heard a familiar voice disrupt his thoughts, "Ey dats fo supper tonight, not now!" He turned around and Livy had her hands on her hips, but she didn't look that angry. Spot smiled at her, "sorry I's couldn't help it, I smelled something delicious and I couldn't resist. You'se done an amazin job with da lodge. I's don't know how ya do it." Livy blushed and grabbed a bowl full for herself. She sighed, "tanks, but dose boys will be da death of me one day. Anyways, dis house needs a woman's touch. I betta eat quickly cause I'm behind on my mending for my customers. Oh! I forgot ta tell ya I'm mending da upper classes clothes now, dats my new job." Spot smiled at her, "I's glad ya found a job Lady Livy, but I's don't wantcha wearin youself out. Let me help you'se with ya sowing." "The notorious Spot Conlon knows how ta sow?" "Ya my ma taught me a little when I was a wee lad back in Ireland, but if you'se tell anyone dat I'll deny it." Livy giggled, "Tanks Spot you'se a good friend." His heart was breaking inside because he wanted to be more than just her friend. "um Livy I was wonderin, would you'se come down to da docks with me tanight? Dere is somethin I's wanna show ya. If dats ok, only if you'se is up fo it." Livy gently squeezed Spot's hand, "of course I'll come with ya."

Later on that night when the rest of the boys were sound asleep in the lodge, Spot led Livy to the docks so he could show her something magnificent. "Spot, where are we'se goin? What is it you'se wanna show me?" Spot had his arm wrapped tightly around Livy's, "you'll see, just look at da boats." Livy looked out onto the water and saw a single light floating across the water, then more and more appeared. She realized that they weren't floating lights, but floating lanterns. "Lovers come out heah sometimes and light a candle and make a wish dats supposed ta last foreva. Den day release the lantern so dere wish can come true." Livy was amazed by the sight, "Oh Spot it's beautiful!" Spot grabbed Livy's hand so she would look at him, "your beautiful," then he kissed her.

Spot had never felt this way before toward a girl. No, she was more than a girl, she was a lady. He pressed his lips against hers and his breath became hers. It felt strange, but so good. He didn't want this moment to end. "Spot" Livy said. "Hmm?" He exclaimed as he kept kissing her. Livy put her hand on his chest and pulled away from him. "Spot please listen ta me," she said in a stern voice tears welling up in her eyes. He looked at her a bit hurt and confused, "what is it? Don't ya like me?" "YES! Yes, I like ya very much, but ya don't understand. Anyone I's eva loved ends up gettin hoit, or dead, or hoits me." She began to cry now and Spot hated seeing her cry. He put his hand on her cheek to stop her tears from flowing. "Livy, I's neva hoit ya, nor would I eva let anyone hoit ya eva again. Livy I-I, I LOVE YOU." Those words were strange to him, especially saying them out loud to another person. He hadn't said them to anyone since his own mother died many years ago, but saying those words now just felt right. Livy put her hand on his, which was on top of her cheek, "I do love ya Spot." That made Spot smile for a second, but ONLY a second. Livy continued, "but I just can't. I'm sorry, I ain't ready fo a relationship. We should um get back ta da lodge, the boys will begin wonderin where we'se wandered off too." Livy desperately wanted to be with Spot, but she knew the only way to protect him was to push him away. She got up from where she had been sitting and turned on her heels walking back to the lodge. Spot was crushed by Livy's response, and all he could do was sit there for a few minutes trying to replay what just happened in his head.

When Spot finally got back to the lodge, Livy was already asleep in hi--her bed. "I don't care how long it takes, Livy WILL BE mine," he thought to himself as he watched her sleep, "even if I have ta wait a thousand years." Spot couldn't bear to look at Livy anymore because his heart was breaking. He climbed to the roof where he saw an unexpected scene unfold before him.

~BA-BAM another chapter complete. Sorry guys it took so long. I had a few emotional things going on in my life that I just didn't have time to post this. The "dream scene," as I'm calling it, where Livy wakes up from her nightmare is completely NEW. This isn't the incident I was speaking of, but I decided to save that for the next chapter because this one was getting long for me. Mwhahaha. Well ttfn ta ta for now.

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