Chapter 3. Glitches Being Hunters?

Start from the beginning

"B-but how?" Pallynne mumbled dumbfounded.

"I've heard of this type of thing in my career of pickpocketing." Jax suddenly chimed in. He shifted over to her while still seated on the bench.
"Some glitches have the will to change sides. But it's not as easy as changing your style of music. You have to convince others that you're a true hunter but many have failed trying to do so. Unfortunately, Malik and Nightshade have succeeded. It's a discussing thing to abandon your bloodline for a few sacks of nuggets and stuff but it's true. Real Minecraftians do it."

"Well that's stupid. Why don't they protect their kind instead? Glitches killing glitches is just not right. You should defend your species not ignore and pretend your not one of them." Pallynne bawled up her fist and wished to punch the posters but Jax held her back at the last second with his good arm.

"Come on Pallynne. We need to get a place to rest. And I think you should get that bullet out of your hand." He reassured.

The Aether wolf hybrid sighed. Her fist loosened and dropped to the outside of her leg. She brought up her right hand and turned it to look at the palm. The tiny silver object was quite noticeable and the code leaking out made it even more.

"Okay. I'll go purchase some bandages and a bit of medical supplies while you stay here. I won't be long. Make sure you put your hood up to people don't see your glitch-like eyes and stuff." Pallynne explained.
Jax sighed and pulled up his dark hood. His face was barely noticeable at all and he look much for mysterious with it up. It sort of kept scavengers away from trying to steal from him as well.
Pallynne got out a pair of already used shades and slipped them over her eyes. She adjusted her hair and folded her ears down so she didn't look too suspicious to be a glitch. Then she ran off to buy supplies for both of heir wounds.


Pallynne wandered through the abandoned ghostly-like streets searching for a good shop to head into. Her icy blue gaze shot over to a more vibrant looking building than the others. Its flimsy wooden roof was made of the strongly coloured acacia planks and lined with yellow-ish cream coloured birch slabs. The walls and porch were half smoothstone slab, half dark oak log which gave off this nice feeling when you walked across the porch and through the doorway. The sturdy looking jungle door had a strongly lit torch above that didn't seem to spark and flicker like usual ones. Its flame would twist and lift up in a spiral formation and split two ways, but then collide once more to sink down and up again. It was a beautiful look for Pallynne but she dreaded the thought of getting too close to it just imagining the horror of a flame slowly multiplying and spreading in different areas whilst eating through her flesh. She shuddered as she walked below it and through the doorway. She adjusted the shades over her eyes making sure no one could see through and recognize her as a glitch. She took a deep breath and exhaled through her mouth silently as she looked around the shop for something that was fit for wrapping over a wound.
Her eyes grazed through and across shelves, racks, counters, and cubby holes but nothing grabbed a hold of her gaze.

"What is it you're looking for miss?" Asked a low tired sounding tone coming from Pallynne's right. She looked up and turned to lock eyes with a man behind the counter that seemed about ten years older than her. He had shadowy black hair that seemed to be a large dark shadow atop his head. His hazelnut coloured eyes almost seemed to shatter the dark shades covering Pallynne's glowing blue ones and he looked slightly suspicious of her when he saw her face.

He must be the cashier here or something. She thought.

"Oh uh yes. Actually, I'm looking for something referring to first aid supplies. Like a roll of fabric and tweezers or something?" Pallynne explained while making small rolling and snipping motions with her hands.
The man's face lit up just the slightest for Pallynne to see through the shades.
"Yes I do actually. Hold on a sec I think there's something in the back room." He replied with a hopeful sound in his voice. Before Pallynne could say anything else, he ducked and darted into the storage room behind the glass counter.
She was left in silence for about two minutes until there was a THUMP in the room,  and he appeared once again holding a largish black case lined with shining iron. There was a handle on the other end which was securely attached to the box. A metal clasp kept the lid closed and preventing anything from falling out. Depending on what was actually in there.
He placed it on the counter and Pallynne flipped the clasp. It clicked and she lifted the lid. Inside there was a compartment holding several rolls of bone white clean bandages, a pair of iron freezers that shockingly seemed to be in good condition, and a few tiny bottles of ointment and lotion. It was some type of pocket sized first aid kit.

"How much is it?" Wondered Pallynne.

The man smiled revealing slightly yellowish teeth. He seemed like quite the kind person. "Only a couple nuggets. There's not many people that have been wanting it and all I'd appreciate it is to get rid of it. It's all yours."

Pallynne smiled back gratefully. She reached her good hand inside her pant pocket and pulled out a tiny sack of gold nuggets. Then dropped the sack on the counter while making the small rustling sound of nuggets moving around inside.
She took the box and tucked it under her arm. She turned around and walked out the door and a couple blocks when she heard two voices walking down the street towards her.

"This is the best village on the map we've spent days getting to?" Said a loud male voice.

"Unfortunately, yes it is. But don't blame me that our map is ten years old. We need a place to stay before we hunt down our next glitch." Replied a female voice tipped with a slight French accent.

The male voice groaned. He sounded pretty tired and annoyed for some reason. "I should have assumed Oceaniktyle was this run down ghost island in the middle of nowhere. We could've at least spent another night at Kascnov than come to this wasteland. At least they had a bit of room service there."

"Oui, I agree with you on that but as you know, they kicked us out when they saw the crumbling charred walls in our room that you caused. We could've stayed at that inn for a much longer time of it wasn't for your 'Uncontrollable powers' that pretty much killed that room." Shot back the female.
Quickly and silently, Pallynne darted over to the side of a nearby brick building where she wouldn't be seen. She had a feeling it was a couple of hunters approaching and she didn't have a death wish any time soon.
The sound of two un-synchronized footsteps against the rough gravel was coming closer to Pallynne. She took a breath in and held it waiting for the two to leave.

"S'il te plaît tais-toi (Shut up)! I'm done with your complaining, could you just keep your blabbering annoying door closed!" Shot back the female. Anger and disgust were dribbling in her voice and Pallynne bet she was just about to lose it.
The two bickering voices and footsteps stopped by the other side of the wall Pallynne was hiding behind. A huge volt of adrenaline pulsed through her veins at a rapid speed and she took deep silent breaths willing for them to stop.

The male sighed. "Well if ya need me, I'm gonna go get some cash by getting that cloaked glitch on the bench over there.
Pallynne was so close she could see his finger point out and to the direction Jax was. Her heartbeat accelerated extremely fast and her legs suddenly jolted into a run.

"Hey!" Yelled the male completely flabbergasted that there had been an eavesdropper right under their noses.
Pallynne whipped her head around to only feel a huge pit land in her stomach. She was being chased by the one and only Nightshade and Malik.

(The Hunted Contest Entry for iVesper) I Used to be The HuntedWhere stories live. Discover now