Chapter 8 - Coverup

Start from the beginning

"Thank you," I mouth, at what she nods.

"Nora will come soon and stay with you, so she'll keep us in contact. We'll also continuously sponsor the Dream House even after you come back. I'm sure this is a cause you honestly will want to support."

I don't have to think about it. The fact that Clarisse is willing to help me makes me grateful enough to honestly want to help her. Not as a facade, not to help us evade taxes, but because I want to help.

"Remember no one is supposed to know who you are, so you can't tell your full name to anyone. The kids won't know you, but still you shouldn't tell them who you are. You have to stick to a story that will serve as your coverup when you come back."

"What's that story?" I question out loud.

"We'll continue with your temporal amnesia due to the trauma of the accident. Clarisse found you and brought you here, and as you didn't remember anything and no files of your disappearance were filled in the zone, you're staying with her until you remember. We're just changing the fact you remember, so the medical records don't have to be altered."

"That's what I'll say when I come back? I won't have to say I was hiding or anything?"

"When the time comes we'll know for sure, but as for now, it's good to have an idea of what could be your excuse to stay in the orphanage for as long as you need to." I heave a sigh, knowing it's like that. "It'll be okay, Blanca. We'll find the real responsible of your accident and you'll come back home."

"I know." My mind really knows it, it's logical and safe, even if it might not be practical or brave, but that doesn't mean it doesn't make me uneasy.

"That's good. The doctor said you can leave tomorrow and Nora will join you shortly after. So just stay with Clarisse, I'll take care of everything else."

I nod my head, trusting Louise on everything. I can really put my life in her hands and I'm sure she'd protect me.

Shortly after I have to say goodbye to her, because she has so much to take care of, keeping it secret from Laura, which will be hard so she has no time to lose. I'm reluctant to let her go, not knowing when I'll see her again, but she promises me it'll be okay and reminds me Nora will be with me soon. I won't be all alone, which is the biggest problem now. I really don't want to be alone.

Because Clarisse has to go back to the orphanage to take care of things herself, I'm left alone tonight and the weight of everything that's happened to me today, getting my memories back, Louise, the conspiracy theories... all that has exhausted me, but I'm not able to sleep. I close my eyes and I only see the empty car aside from me, the desperation of that moments engulfs me again and I open my eyes, frantic, breathing hard and silently crying.

I give up on sleeping and just watch telly the whole night. The next morning the nurse tells me I should've asked her to give me some medication if I couldn't sleep, but I honestly didn't even think about it. I was too busy with my own desperate thoughts. I'm so glad when Clarisse comes back after lunchtime, practically clinging to her and feeling relieved I'll be cleared up today, I won't have to stay alone in this room anymore.

"Everyone is expecting you in the Dream House. Are you ready to go meet them?" she asks me after we've talked to the doctor.

"I am. I just want to leave this bed," I reply, making her smile fondly.

"Let's go then, love. The Dream House will be your refugee now, like it's for all those other kids."

I take deep breaths, finding comfort in those words. I know things will be hard for me in the future, but it's been settled already, I just have to keep going and hope for the best.

❅ ❅ ❅

Happy new year, everyone! I hope this 2016 is a great year for all of us and let's stick together.

Well, things start getting more interesting (I hope) on the next chapter. We'll have new characters and guess who else will show up? Throw your wild guesses! Also, I'm officially jobless so I'm planning on writing more for this story and have many chapters in advance so we can go to twice updates every week. Pray I'll be able to do it! (I get distracted with Korean dramas, Japanese movies, mangas and other stories I'm writing kekeke. And Molly, which reminds me did you see my new profile picture with her and her murderous expression?)

Dedication to Lintz2

Bel, xx

~updates every Friday~

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