Pie's eyes almost popped out of their sockets. "What? Confess right away? You just met her yesterday, right? And does your confession have anything to do with me?"

"Well... it's because of yesterday," said May, a bit hesitant, "...there's just something different with the way you two talk to each other..."

Pie held the mouse this time, pretending to start working. She can hear the fast beat of her heart. "Different in what way?"

"It's hard to explain. But you two are emitting the boyfriend-girlfriend vibe, miss. That's why I've thought of asking you first about her before I make my confession," said May.

Pie is still wondering what exactly these people – Jane and May – are seeing that made them think something is going on between her and Kim. As far as she remembers, Kim and she had a quick-small-talk yesterday. Nothing really unusual. But then, how come May was able to sense something from that?

Not knowing the answer herself, Pie faked a smile instead. "Don't worry, Kim and I are just friends."

May's face lit up. "So, you won't mind if I hang out with her?"

Pie shook her head. "You shouldn't worry about me, instead you should think about the other fangirls here in the office. In case you're not aware yet, they are killing each other to get Kim's attention."

"That doesn't bother me, Miss Pie. I'm gonna start my move today," said May, clapping her hands.

Pie rolled her eyes discreetly. My gosh. This kid is something.


Office hours are finally over. Pie is currently waiting by the elevator area when she saw Dang walking alone. He smiled at her.

"You're going home now?" asked Pie, smiling back.

"Yeah," Dang answered shortly, it was followed by a deep sigh.

"Where's May?"

"She left a few minutes ago."

Pie felt something is odd. May and Dang always go home together. "Why isn't she with you? Did you guys fight?"

"Nope. But someone's driving her home today..."


Dang let out another loud sigh before looking at Pie. "It's Kim."

Pie's eyes widened. Uuuggh! That stupid-flirty Kim!!!


Coffee shop

"May wanted me to pretend that I have something else to do and that she has no one to drive her home. Unfortunately, May's house is just on Kim's way home," said Dang.

"And you played along?" asked Pie. She invited Dang for a cup of coffee to talk about it. She can't help it. She wants to find out more about what happened.

"Yeah, what else can I do, May likes her."

"Why do you seem to be not okay with it? I thought you were like brotherly-sisterly close?"

Dang smiled weakly. "To May it's like that, but for me, it isn't..."

"Wow." Pie brought her hands to her mouth. "You're in love with her?"

Dang nodded slowly. "For more than a year now..."

"Then why don't you confess?"

"It's not that easy," said Dang before sipping on his coffee. "We grew up really close like relatives. It was just recently when I realized that I'm in love with her."

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