New friend, new enemy, new powers

Start from the beginning

And how do you expect us to control her?!

"I hear that all murpeople have an object of power giving to them at birth. Try to find that object and you can control her! At long as you on the land she can't do anything to you."

Well where do you think it at?

"Well I think it that ring on her finger."


"Yea. Oh wait I know that look!"

"Let catch that mermaid."

"Ugh how I hate that look!"Alec mumble.

"Try to get that ring on her finger ok?" With that I dive into the water with a knife in my hand. I saw her swimming straight at me and I try to stab her but she scream making the water shake and my ear feel like it going to explode.

I saw Alec swimming to me and grab my waist swimming up to the shore. I cough out water and I heard Alec curse. I stand up looking down at the water thinking of a way to catch that mermaid. An idea suddenly run to my mind. I hold my hand up and move the water up to the air. I then saw that mermaid turning to human.

"Now!" I scream at Alec.

He quickly run with his werewolf speed to her and take the ring away from her hand.

"Nooooo!!" I hear she scream.

Alec run to me and I lower the water down. He give the ring to me and I put it on my finger. The ring have the word June craft inside if it. I take that her name is June.

"June, you are now under my control until I willingly set you free." I start to make an oath, I don't know how but it just did. I start to feel a link, connection to her.
"Come on out, we not going to hurt you. We can be friend right?"I tell her hoping she would come out from the water.

I saw her head out of the water and she swimming slowly toward us

. "I'm just going to be waiting outside the car, call me if you need me." Alec said hurry to the car.

"What the hurry?" I ask him in the mindlink.

"I don't know if she going to be naked when transform into a human or not?! That would be very awkward!" He tell me. I can imagine him blushing and I chuckle at him.

" Oh shut up!" With that he put on a block to our mindlink. I turn the attention to the girl now with 2 legs and yup she don't have any clothes on.

"Give me your jacket!" I tell to Alec. He throw the jacket my way without looking and run out to the car. I give the jacket to her and she gladly take it. "

My name is Elena. What your?" I ask her gently.

"My name is June. I'm under your command master." She tell me with her head down.

"Oh don't do that! Let be friend ok?"

"You want to be my friend?"

"Yea why not? It cool to have a mermaid friend right?" Her eyes start to tear up.

"What wrong? You don't have to be my friend if you don't want to. Please don't cry!" I beg her, ugh how much I hate to see girl cry. I don't know what to do. She then suddenly hug me.

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